GWC Fantasy Sci-Fi Discussion

Well, I gotta jump in with my team. I believe these are all unique (in that no one else has chosen them).

Robot: Robby the Robot - He’s strong, is a walking computer, and has a built in danger sensor. What more could you want from a robot?

Scientist: John Crichton - he developed a way to slingshot not only a small module, but a large leviathan space ship around a planet to fling it at near light speeds. Plus, he doubles as a warrior.

Warrior: Space Marine - genetically engineered to be a warrior. Near-indestructible armor, highly trained in combat. Carries a bolter. Pure bad-assery. Plus, chainsword.

Alien: Yoda - Jedi master, Telekinesis, minor mind reading and minipulation and light saber skilz. Plus, he was already declared to not fall under the “No God” rule.


Well, here’s a quick Stargate themed team. The villains are my main team though.

Robot: Robo-Carter (from Tin Man Double Jeopardy)
Warrior: Col. Dave Dixon (from Heroes part 1 & 2, aka Col. Jayne :stuck_out_tongue: )
Scientist: Jonas Quinn (aka Replacement Daniel :stuck_out_tongue: )
Alien: Selmak

[LEFT]Austin James- Scientist[/LEFT]

(From the 1988 television series ‘Probe’ (I am probably the only living person to remember it))
A genius who lives off the money from his inventions, a scientist, consultant, and a crime fighter. He loves mysteries and has a photographic memory. (I briefly flirted with choosing Quatermass but decided against it.)


(From Masamune Shirows Appleseed Anime/Manga series) Armored and heavily armed bad-ass, can link with computers see in multiple spectrum’s and basically ruin any bad guys day.


(From Karas the complete series. Anime) Supernaturally powered armor allows him to wield combat magic, transform into a ground vehicle/aircraft/and armored swordsman. This dude is wicked cool!


(From Star Trek: the next generation’s episode 2x20 ‘Tin Man’) A sentient organic spaceship with amazing capabilities.

Whaddaya think?

I think your in big trouble if the challage has anything to do indoors, Gomtuu is not much help

Yeah but I figured if we need to travel anywhere I am set.:slight_smile:

I had considered the ship from ‘Flight of the Navigator’ but decided that- 1) waaaay too annoying. And 2) No firepower.

Edit: And ‘Probe’ has serious geek cred because it was cowritten by Issac Asimov! :wink:

I’ll have to work on the cards latter, but wanted to get a team pick in.
Robot - T1000
Scientist - Mr. Scott
Warrior - Batman
Alien - Kosh

What chapter is that supposed to be? It doesn’t look dark enough to be Salamander and I’ve got a saying: “If it’s not first (OK, or 2nd) founding it’s craaaaap”

I think it’s someone home made chapter. It was the only picture I could find that wasn’t HUGE that included a chainsword. :slight_smile:


i think you only need Kosh in this scenario :stuck_out_tongue:

Guys, Gals, GalaxyRanger,

As a general policy the mods will keep this thread dedicated to general discussion, thoughts and feedback. Specific comments to specific rounds, whether your own solutions or comments on the Crue solutions will be moved to the appropriate thread.


I would be happy to throw some Team cards together for any who want them.

Just PM me with the following info:

Team Name
Each Characters Name
Each Characters Position
Each Characters Stats (1-10 IYO for each INT, STR, DEX, CHR, COM and SPL)
Each Characters Special Powers description
and finally what color you like the cards to be (except Fire, that’s mine :cool:). :smiley:

Also if you have a specific pic you like or your character may be less know then others please add a link.

I may take you up on this… I just need to figure out the stats, and find a better Space Marine picture.


My team cards thanks to Uchiha Daisuke. :slight_smile:

Many thanks to Uchiha Daisuke!

My cards, thanks to Uchiha Daisuke!


finally, someone who likes Alita… that will always be the most iconic manga for me… i think about what it says so much, that i will ask, is Alita a robot? or is the Doctor the robot??? Human brain with machine body is the robot? or human body with the chip for brain the robot??? brain explodes again

Cyborg! Part human, part mechanical. Brain was human enough personality wise. Full warrior though.

Edit: I figured either you or Daisuke would be the first to reply.

I’m looking forward to Cameron’s interpretation of the series.

I was visiting with the folks today and was shocked when my mom sat me down by the sewing machine she was working at and told me she had her Fantasy Sci-Fi team all picked out. I was glad I was sitting down. because here’s the team she picked:

You could have knocked me down with a feather when she picked Chode and Six. Then she told me that Team Mom was formed with a simple yet effective strategy in mind -and I quote, “If Team Mom can’t F_ _k it, we blow it up.” [sniffle] I don’t know if I could be any more proud of my Mom than I was today. Go Team Mom!!

Not to be out done Bwana (my dad for those who don’t know who that is - old John Wayne movie. Long story) also had a team picked out. After a couple of rounds of god like cheat characters that were disallowed ,I give you the revised Team Bwana:

All in all I’d say this ratchets my folks up on the coolness scale a couple notches IMHO. I must have the mostest ossim parents ever!

I love you guys!

I think Sean might just have the coolest parent…