GWC Book Club Selection: November/December 2010

Dear readers, the poll is here again.

Per past practice, please recall that:
[li]You may vote for as many of the options listed as you would like. In fact, it is encouraged.
[/li][li]Don’t be shy, share your opinion of the books! Lobby for your favorites, and feel free to read through the threads already dedicated to these books (and add to them, if you feel so moved). Friendly and fun is our motto here.
[/li][li]Your votes will be public.
[/li][li]Voting will close October 31 (spooky!), and the Book Club Discussion thread posted November 1.

Happy voting! (and reading :))

C’mon Magicians! It’s like if Harry Potter went to Narnia and developed a drinking problem!

Bumpity-bumping to remind people to vote! We’ve got a nice range of options here :slight_smile:

Heya gang, okay, throwing some love towards getting more people to vote for the Golden Compas. Why:

  1. I’ve started it and need a reason to finish it. Not that it sucked, just that other stuff came along that bumped it down the pile.
  2. It’s actually better than the movie. The movie was cool in its own proto-steampunk kinda way, but the order of a couple of key events is different in the books, or at least the part of them that I’ve made it through so far.
  3. Basicly tied to reason one. If I finish it, then when my wife asks about it, I can report back. It was a gift, and I feel guilty for not having read it yet.

So in summary, help a brother out, and vote for the Golden Compas! :slight_smile:

Voted for A Wrinkle in Time, since it got featured in LOST.
I really need to read the books that are prominent in this series. lol

The Dragony ones!

No, I’ve no bias at all… :smiley:

Sean talked it up so much I’d like to try it. Then I found out it’s by Robin McKinley, who wrote Sunshine, which I recently listened to via audible. Good story.

I’m now reading another McKinley book, Dragonhaven. It’s a YA book, and is proving a fun read.

I can’t be the only one who occasionally devours books an author at a time?

Also, I found a great, illustrated copy of Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm at a library sale for Puddytat- and she’s devouring it! So proud!


Today is the last day for voting! If you’ve been putting it off… do so no more, it’s time to make a choice :slight_smile:

(Also: we currently have a tie… ! more incentive to vote!)

I totally back you up Amberite! The Golden Compass is a great book and the series just gets better. Although often over looked by adults because of it in my opinion being put in the young adult section. There is still time to vote for it!

Thank you all for your participation this round, and be sure to check back for another poll come December 15!

We do, however, have a winner after a very close race. I’m pleased to announce that our next selection is a personal favorite, Ursula K. LeGuin’s The Left Hand of Darkness. Check it out, and join the discussion!