GWC Book Club Selection: May/June 2011

Dear readers, the poll is here again, along with blooming azaleas in my neck of the woods!

Per past practice, please recall that:
[li]You may vote for as many of the options listed as you would like. In fact, it is encouraged.
[/li][li]Don’t be shy, share your opinion of the books! Lobby for your favorites, and feel free to read through the threads already dedicated to these books (and add to them, if you feel so moved). Friendly and fun is our motto here.
[/li][li]Your votes will be public.
[/li][li]Voting will close April 30, and the Book Club Discussion thread posted May 1.

Happy voting! (and reading :))

Bumpity bump…

currently Lovecraft’s in the lead (though by only one vote), so the field is still wide open!

Only 5 days left to vote… Lovecraft’s still in the lead, followed closely by Chabon, Martin, McCaffrey, and McKinley

2 days left! Get your vote in while you can :slight_smile:

Thank you to all poll participants!

Almost-there’s this time around include Dragonflight, A Wrinkle in Time, Downbelow Station and The Yiddish Policeman’s Union.

That said, our winner is H.P Lovecraft’s “The Call of Cthulhu,” check out our discussion thread here!