GWC Book Club Selection: July/August 2010

Dear readers, the poll is here again.

Per past practice, please recall that:
[li]You may vote for as many of the options listed as you would like. In fact, it is encouraged.
[/li][li]Don’t be shy, share your opinion of the books! Lobby for your favorites, and feel free to read through the threads already dedicated to these books (and add to them, if you feel so moved). Friendly and fun is our motto here.
[/li][li]Your votes will be public.
[/li][li]Voting will close June 30, and the Book Club Discussion thread posted July 1.

Happy voting! (and reading :))

Rooting for The Magicians, but betting on Shatnerquake.

I suck at predicting things, but it should be interesting to see how this turns out, we have a number of new options…

… and I totally thought of you, I got a promo email from Amazon this morning for “New Fiction” and The Magicians was one of the showcased books!

Just a friendly reminder (and bump) to vote! You have until July 1! Pick a book, any book(s)! :slight_smile:

Oh damn, it’s tight this month.


Actually, with a few exceptions there are generally any number of books that are contenders right to the end…

… oh yeah. and people should vote. You have until this Wednesday to make your decisions!

Speaking of, current leaders… Burke Shatnerquake, Butler Kindred, Chabon The Yiddish Policeman’s Union, and LeGuin The Left Hand of Darkness. Keep the votes coming!



And… we have a tie!

Shatnerquake and Kindred have the same number of votes. We will do a runoff poll here to decide between the two.

I told you this was closer than the others!