GWC Book Club Selection: January/February 2011

Dear readers, the poll is here again.

Per past practice, please recall that:
[li]You may vote for as many of the options listed as you would like. In fact, it is encouraged.
[/li][li]Don’t be shy, share your opinion of the books! Lobby for your favorites, and feel free to read through the threads already dedicated to these books (and add to them, if you feel so moved). Friendly and fun is our motto here.
[/li][li]Your votes will be public.
[/li][li]Voting will close January 9 (giving some extra leeway with the holiday rush), and the Book Club Discussion thread posted January 10.

Happy voting! (and reading :))

(Also - My apologies for getting this up a bit late (oh holiday travel!))

way excited for my first participatory book club selection. voted!

So, did anyone receive any of these books as holiday gifts?

Don’t forget you have until January 9 to vote!

I just got Pathfinder for Christmas! By Orson Scott Card, one of my favorite authors. Haven’t read it yet, but I’m going to start today.

C’mon Magicians! (It’s out in paperback, if that helps.)

Well, no surprise that I voted for Zelazny, but I asked for (and got) The Magicians for Xmas :). Looking forward to reading it!

I voted for The Eyre Affair because Jasper fforde is hysterical. His books cross all genre lines and he is amazing to see in person at a reading (which I was lucky to do a couple years ago).

The book is great, it’s about life inside books and the people on the outside who protect creative works. Yes, I mean book police.

Hmmmmm, thought I would share this here instead of in the what are you reading thread. So I’ve started in in The Magicians, just finished chapter 2 sitting in Starbucks and I’m grinning like an idiot and had to post. Good ride so far, and if it’s the next selection I won’t be disappointed at all.

I voted for The City & The City. Sounds interesting.
It’s now on my Books To Read list.

Well, I finished the Magicians and loved it. It felt like it got bogged down a bit with the interpersonal angst about two-thrids of the way through, but quickly recovered and finished strong. I was disappointed to see that the next one won’t be out until fall of 2011!

Now it’s looking like I might get to finish the Golden Compass!

Really happy to report that both The Magicians and The Left Hand of Darkness are two books I likely wouldn’t have read if not for the book club! Casilda, thanks for championing the book club cause!

PS: I took a bunch of notes on The Left Hand of Darkness on my read through, and still need to get around to posting them in the proper thread…

We’re in the home stretch, if you haven’t yet, go ahead and vote! Poll closes this coming Sunday :slight_smile:

We have a tie! Watch this space for info on tie-breaking :slight_smile: