Guest Stars

I know we’ve had Martha form popular Science, The Verry Jerry, and Tony Dainel, but I say more. during the long off season i say we have more. We could even have some of the OG(original GalactiGeeks) like Pike, Armando, or me, or whomever wants to guest star for a cast. Any other sugestions?

I have a kinda off the wall one…

Id actually like to see Sean’s significant other, his better half, his (GASP) Science Fiction Enjoying Girl Person on the 'Cast for an episode. It would be cool to hear about the woman behind the man behind the art behind the podcast.

Also she could tell embarrassingly stories about Sean

Heh. Seconded.

(disclaimer: I’ve actually have had fights with the GF about details in the Franz Joseph tech manual (Yes, Boxy, there is hope.))


Tangent from the Sean’s-other-half discussion. Just to make it clear, this is not a jab at a the couple; rather, it emphasizes how lucky he is.

Sorry, I still didn’t get the memo about how to embed videos. It’s a comedy clip, “1-900-Nerd-Girl.” Concept’s funnier than the execution, but any video that has a lightsaber and contains the phrase “saving throw” is worth a couple minutes out of your life.

That video is awesome!

This only works with youtube vids, but put the “v=” number from the url in between youtube tags.

Like this: [ youtube ]DyfGvswIgjE[ /youtube ]

But without the spaces inside the tags. Which brings me to my next point:


Possibly the only Paris Hilton thing i’ve ever liked.

your my hero
i still believe sci-fi chicks to be as ambigoius as dragons…yes i checked the library, none there

So yeah! Sean’s Other Half, to be henceforth known as SOH!
who else shall we add to the list?