Groose Point Blank

Im watching groose point blank. huzzah!

city of cathedrals

Damn sleep apnea…:frowning:

Sgt…Dr… Pepper…Uh, Joan Cusack…is awesome in this.

im emotionally invested, because im scared of you

she is awesome. actually feels more emotionally detached than the hitman

“I killed the president of Paraguay with a fork. How are you doing?”

I love this soundtrack@+!!111!!

“Recurring dreams of loss and pain featuring the same person? Maybe a bit…obsessive.”

Arkin is great in this movie.

welcome back pointers

Me too. Got both soundtrack CDs. Killer music.

Hi Mrs K !!!

antique cell FTW

I wanted that model Lincoln for YEARS after this movie came out.

An actual antenna!

aaaaand here’s the specials… doing… one of their songs.

This is the only movie that I like Minnie Driver in.

thats mini driver?

LOL, closing the window shade because he has his back to it. Smart. Paranoid? Probably not.

