Google's Driverless Car

Not a tv show or movie, but i wasn’t quite sure where to put this.

Transportation revolution?


The advantages I can think of go on and on.
If all cars were driverless, you could have bumper-to-bumper traffic and still go 60mph.

Do the cars have an ‘I’m feeling lucky’ button for days when you’re not sure where you want to go?

Now I can lean back and consume ads on the commute :slight_smile:

at least a lot of things now will be safe to do while driving…

Back about ten years ago or so, there was an annual college/university competition for driveless cars using magnets in the road along with onboard sensors to control packs of cars in tight formations and high speeds. The tests were done on a specially modified section of freeway around the LA area. I know the Universities of Michigan and Ohio were annual participants. If I can dig up the video, I’ll post it. But needless to say, this research has been ongoing for at least a decade.

~Shooter Out

everyone makes fun of self driving cars, give it decade and a billion dollars and scores of lives will be saved everyday. just cause damn near all of us suck at driving. i know you all think everyone else sucks at driving and your okay but odds are there are times where you suck at it too cutting people off forgetting to signal. and a computer will save your life some day soon.

than they may take over and enslave us all but that’s a different thread.

A driverless car would be great. Although most of the time I like to drive, it would be great to go out for a drink and still be able to drive home.

Imagine the efficiency improvements possible if you have robocars drafting in pods of 5-10, for instance. Big mileage improvement for the cars, and the system could automatically move cars around between pods so nobody gets stuck with ‘front duty’ the entire time.

I love the idea of jumping in the car at bed time, dialing up a far destination, then going to sleep in a cot and waking up someplace new. “Derp, ride a train youz!” some might retort, but this method leaves me with a car at my destination, along with whatever portable infrastructure/cargo I have.