I’ll let you guys decide which you want first
Good news - Chuck
Bad news - Sarah Connor
I’ll let you guys decide which you want first
Good news - Chuck
Bad news - Sarah Connor
Sarah Connor I never saw, alas. But I guess now I can catch up rather quickly.
Cold Case is renewed? COLD CASE? I HATES that show!
And The Unusuals was canceled? I was just getting into that one. It was good. Funny and unlike much out there on TV. (And, aside from Boston Legal and, occassionally, Army Wives, the only show on TV right now that my mother-in-law likes that I also like. Until she discovers It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. HA!) Ugh!
It’s a shame. But if I had to choose between Chuck and Sarah Connor Chronicles I would have went with Chuck. Dollhouse survived to, which is definatly a good thing.
Posted this in the Terminator thread. Love Fox’s comment about giving the show consistent scheduling…on Friday night. Friday’s are where shows are sent to die.
Agreed–Dollhouse narowly survived and it’s on Friday
w00t for Chuck. Im ok if it dies after this next season, but I didn’t want it to end like it did.
I only saw a little of SCC, so im not too upset. I hope Summer Glau goes on to bigger things.
When was BSG on ? oh yeah…Fridays
Good shows will always find an audience. Marginal shows will always stuggle. I am glad Dollhouse got renewed as it only became a good show half way through the season. and who knows maybe Summer Glau will join the cast now that she is no longer under contract to SCC… And then we can add Adam Baldwin if he loses his contract with Chuck…( i have heard budget cuts are going to cause a MAJOR cast change.) and Castle can last to long and we can reunite the Firefly cast… I can have hope can’t I…
Unfortunately those good shows sometimes find an audience after they are canceled.
Reality shows are doing good and they are making more of them…they don’t seem to be struggling much.
Who knows…maybe a cable network will pick it up. Stranger things have happened. I have a feeling T:SCC had the problem of 'a sci-fi show…with Brian Austin GREEN?" Even though he’s been pretty damn good on the show.
Agreed… Sometimes the Good shows start slow like Dollhouse did and don’t recover… sometimes Good shows like Firefly just can’t catch a fair deal by the network…
On the other hand… reality shows have really helped my woodworking skills and my wife is happy that more major projects are getting done around the house. It’s nice that the networks have gone to such lengths to teach me that the TV has an OFF mode. it comes in handy.
so this fall I will be watching. ( in no particular order…)
Big Bang Theory
Son’s of Anarchy
True Blood
all 5 episodes of Torchwood
Primeval (ok thats on now for the summer)
Eureuka ( also a summer series.)
so according to http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=545905
According to the South Dakota Department of Health:
I will be watching 24 hours less a week then the Average American male.
I gained an entire day…(i hope its not another Monday)