Hey I am just getting into Doctor Who. I have seen the first season and it was awesome. I love GWC and wish I could find a podcast like it for The Doctor. Would you share any podcasts that you enjoy.
Hey I am just getting into Doctor Who. I have seen the first season and it was awesome. I love GWC and wish I could find a podcast like it for The Doctor. Would you share any podcasts that you enjoy.
I like the Tin Dog podcast. Very short one man show with dry, dry British humour. Just one fan chatting into a microphone. All the technical glitches make it that much more fun.
I also like Doctor Who Podshock. Based out of the States it has callers from North America, Britain and elsewhere. Fan run and lots of fun. AND I just get a giggle out of the New York based host’s accent. I can’t understand him 1/2 the time! It can drag a bit, but I still like it.
DWO Podcast is based out of the UK, covers all things Doctor Who (including Torchwood and Sara Jane) and is very polished. I am still getting used to the new hosts as there was a switch recently. The Podcast is large enough to have “ins” in the community and they get some rather interesting interviews and gossip. They also appear to advertise Doctor Who CD books, but that’s fine with me. They have had past Doctors and companions on as guests and regularly interview #6 and #7. They also seem to have a presence at the key Doctor Who Conventions.
Some people swear by Tachyon TV. I can’t stand the potty humour, but it is very popular.
That should get you started. These podcasts often cross reference each other and other podcasts you can consider.
Have fun!
I will have to add a Doctor Who podcast or two to my list. Draven, thanks for asking and Cymbeline thanks for responding.
Podshock set up a quickie “short form” news-only podcast named “The Sonic Newsdriver”. Also, I think when Podshock does their live podcasts, it’s put on a seperate feed (and also has featured on “Emilyfromohio” on a few live shows, whoever that is )
Podshock’s audio quality makes baby Yoda cry. They need some Chuck awesomeness badly.
And don’t forget the official commentary podcasts from the producers/cast/crew. They’re nowhere near the level of awesome that Ron Moore’s casts are, but they’re usually pretty good. One comes out with each new episode (not that there’s many of those at the moment ;( ) I’m not sure if the archive is on iTunes, though, but subscribe for future stuff.
I’ll second the rec for Tin Dog. That dude is awesome.
Another pod is Radio Free Skaro that is based mainly in Canada and with I think one Brit commenter. They do commentaries and news for classic and new series.
Tin Dog is awesome.
DWO Whocast has a lot on the latest news and has lots of interviews from cast and crew with the latest being 106 and with the interviews with Sylvester McCoy (Seventh Doctor) and Nick Briggs (Big Finish writer and Voice of the Daleks and other alien lifeforms).
Cadmium2 has reviews going from the first ever story of Doctor Who and is going through all the episodes honestly as possible. This podcast also looks at other British shows that if you like Classic Who, you may like these too.