Glasgow, Scotland, UK

+++Welcome from 14th tribe of McHuman reservation colony across far side of great Atlantica solar sea, gleetingz…+++

Rumour has it we meet every WEDNESDAY in central Glasgow, Scotland in neat comic book studio space across from central station. Nice folk who enjoy BSG, Dr Who, classic scifi movies and other genres worthy of enthusiastic discussion. Bring your own bevvy. PM for exact coordinates.


Are ye Glaswegians still into train spotting? :stuck_out_tongue:

That from back when obi-wan was not yet wise…:slight_smile:

Acchh, aye Jimmy!

I would so love to fly over there, pop in to the comic shop, hobnob a bit, and fly back.

It’d be like the time I went to Canada for a cup of coffee. (Although, they were out of “Monsieur Donut” mugs! Dammit!)