Giant X-Wing Rocket

From the same event, a 1/4th scale Y-Wing:


LOL… that one actually got some decent distance… I wish he would have showed the aftermath of what skidded to the ground…

a little more involved vid of the whole deal.

Monstrously cool stuff is happening in a dessert far, far away.
Just feels like a landspeeder could zip by and nobody would be surprised.

Not too far off…

What we don’t realize is that Star Wars has all happened before, and now it is all happening again! I call dibs on the Yuzhan Vong!

I thought it would look cheesy, but it’s actually cool.

Hey! “And blowing it up” was implied!

Was off on the time by a couple days, though.

That was awesome.

I love how the one with the Y Wing has a guy yell “hit the dirt” literally .8 seconds before it crashes into the ground.

That was worth the wait !! Makes me want to take a film editing course !