How about a Ghostbusters podcast arc? We could do 1 podcast on the two movies, or one podcast on each. I know there are a lot of fans here.
Good idea. I could do with an excuse to rewatch them. Not that I need an excuse. I picked the DVDs up really cheap about a year ago. A boxset of both of them for £3, I couldn’t pass that up.
Has this been done? If so can you direct me to which podcast to listen too!! LOL, still catching up…
Anyhoo–with the release of the new videogame, this could be a fun post-transformers cast…
I agree, Ghostbusters would make a great little arc for the podcast. What a great movie that I love to watch every few years. I just watched it last week after picking up the new blu-ray.
I try not to buy movies I already own on DVD on blu ray… is it worth another version?
Not judging from Blu-Ray sales. Last I heard they still hadn’t caught up to HD-DVD (the ‘losing’ format.)
I looked into getting a DVD/HD add on for my xbox, and it was more than it cost to get a playstation 3 with the blu ray built in–'fraid that’s why they lost, in my humble opinion. I went with the PS3, got another gaming system and blu ray at once. Can’t really judge the dif between the HD/DVD and Bluray format. I’m not sure either are as big an upgrade from DVD as DVD was from tape. Actually I’m sure neither are, lol, but it’s still pretty sharp.
New formats being released…these ad spots for the new game…are we in an anniversary year, here? :::checking::: Ahh, yes! 1984, 25 years!
Whoa, wait…25 years?? Frak me, I saved up lawn mowing money to see that in the theaters!
<redd_foxx>Elizabeth! Elizabeth! I’m-a comin’, it’s the big one! Oh, lordie lord!</redd_foxx>
Unless there was already a cast?? I was hoping for a stay puft marshmellow man size burst of support for some Ghostbusting discussion
I love Ghostbusters! Some like to say Ghostbusters 2 was crap. I dont think it was as good as the first one, but it was still a great movie.
Venkman- We’ve been going about this all wrong. This Stay Puft’s okay! He’s a sailor, he’s in New York; we get this guy laid, we won’t have any problem!
Prosecutor- So, you’re saying that the supernatural is your exclusive province?
Venkman- Kitten, I think what I’m saying, is that sometimes, shit happens, someone has to deal with it, and who ya gonna call?
Two in the box … ready to go … we be fast … and they be slow!
Bill Murray is going to be on Letterman tonight talking about the possibility of Ghostbusters 3. I hope it gets made but I am not holding my breath.
Has anyone played the Ghostbusters video game? If you havent, check it out. It is pretty much a continuation of the movies. And who can resist shooting things with a proton pack and seeing that ghost get sucked into the trap just like the movie. Awesome fun.
One of my favorite movies ever. I feel for this movie the way Sean feels about Conan.
Ghostbuster 2 gets a bad rap. Its not perfect but still AWESOME.
You are correct sir, it is indeed, awesome.
Venkman: We’re studying the effect of negative reinforcement on ESP ability
Student: The Effect! I’ll tell you what the effect is. It’s pissing me off
Ray: Listen…you smell something?
Ray: Everything was fine with our system until the power grid was shut off by dickless here.
Peck: They caused an explosion!
Mayor: Is this true?
Venkman: Yes it’s true…this man has no dick.
And of course
Venkman: Ray. When someone asks if you are a god you say YES!
Words to live by
good idea… saw the blue ray set a few days ago and was tempted. sounds like a fun short arc;
cause GWC aint afraid of no ghost
you know cause of this post i pulled out my old seldom used ghost busters 2 DVD and you know what; its really not that bad in fact its pretty good … even if we don;t get an arc thanks for the reminder.