Getting Ready for the Star Wars Arc

Well, we’ve been talking about it for a bit now, but next week kicks off GWC’s Star Wars podcast arc. A few things you might want to know:
[li]If you’re not a huge Star Wars fan, don’t fret. This isn’t becoming Star Wars Watercooler. Though this will likely be one of the longer arcs as there’s so much material out there, we’ll still be moving on to another arc soon enough.[/li][li]If you’re not a Star Wars “expert,” despair not. This is GWC – we’re doing a lot of research and (hopefully) calling in a few “experts” to help introduce us all to this fascinating universe.[/li][li]As part of the arc, we’ll be re-watching all the movies in universe-time order (read: I-II-III-IV-V-VI). They’re all available at rental shops (and via retail if you want to own them), so we hope you’ll jump in and participate.[/li][li]The call line is open, so don’t be afraid to call in your ideas and concepts during the arc. If you call in about, say, Ep. V when we’re currently talking III, we’ll just queue your call up for the proper podcast. Call anytime on any of 'em.[/li][li]We also plan to discuss the novels, comics, and games. If you haven’t checked any of this out, try this link for a list of complete novels (plus lots of discussion all around the forum) or this thread for Chuck’s uber-list of comics placed in the SW timeline (plus an explanation of the timeline and recommendations).[/li][*]If you have suggestions for future podcast arcs, we’ve created a whole forum for 'em, so don’t be shy: post your own (or second/third/nineteenth someone else’s) here.[/ul]We’re excited and looking forward to it. See you on the forum/blog/call-line!


Cant wait :slight_smile:

…shouldn’t we be including the ‘Family Guy’ take on Star Wars…?

I’m sure the podcast will be as funny, insightfull, and annoying as Galactica podcast is. I can’t wait!

Hey Chuck, are you going to discuss the arc in chronological order or original broadcast/publishing order?

Pooh-bah…fyi, he addressed it in his third bullet point. We will be proceeding chronologically. May the Force be with us for the first three. <shudder>

Sorry should have noticed.

No need to apologize. It is a good question and someone would inevitably ask…you have done it for them!

I’m interested to hear everyone’s thoughts on Episode’s 1-3

There is a good conversation over in the Star Wars GWC forum you should check out: Link. Some great analysis, insight and thoughts on the prequels.


I be a noob around these parts but I’ve been listening to the casts for a while now and I adore them. So your SW re-watch has drawn me out of hiding. Expect to see me jump in to these whole heartedly since I’ve been a serious SW geek/love/fanatic since '76!

Quick question though, since my love of the GFFA encompases the entire universe are you including the Clone Wars minis in the rewatch? I would suggest it since they are really well done and a good insight into the time period between episodes II & III.

Just a thought and I’ll see ya’ll around.

Can I make snide remarks about George Lucous? lol

SPIKE is showing Star Wars movies all next week. (Monday 30…) Wow how nice of them to be so helpful.

It’s in my netflix q waiting to come to my house, so I should probably get it on saterday and will watch it then.

What she said. :smiley:

I’m an uber SW geek, so if you need any help with research or have questions feel free to shoot me a PM and I’ll try to help.

whine Do I HAVE to watch I-III?! pouts


As one who feels the same way as you, I do recommend giving a listen. The crüe pulls no punches on this and brings some interesting insight and analysis to the table.

Now finish your chores before you go out and play young man. :smiley:

Oh, god. I’m going to do it. I’m breaking down after 20-odd years. Although I figure that since all good sci-fi geeks seem to dislike I-II-III, I’ll start there. You know, give myself something to look forward to?

sigh I don’t know who I am anymore… :smiley: