Geek Slang

I have found myself using a lot of slang recently inspired by GWC. Words and phrases and few understand and fewer can appreciate. I recently started throwing a few on my twitter account without fanfare. So I thought it might be something cool for the Hive Mind to do together: a dictionary of geek slang.

Allow me to start:

Getting Lost In His Own Museum: Def: To be careless, out of their league, or dangerously befuddled (especially involving Nazis). Ex: Jeffrey Lebowski is the kind of man to get lost in his own museum.

Grimlocked: To overshadow more “important” sentient (Autobots) beings to the point of scorn and ridicule by haters. Usually at the price of being excluded from following movies.

Han Shot First: Overemphasizing a minor detail to the point of distraction and defiance of reality.This usually comes with the cost of discourse and polarization. See Also: Blue Schlong.

I love this idea. :slight_smile:

Han Shot First: A rallying cry for those who love a piece of art in its original state, without the constant meddling of its creator. See Also: Walkie-Talkie-fication

There, I fixed that for you. :smiley:

Actually Badger, that is my definition for Lucasfixion.

Oh, I almost forgot this one:

Fireflied: Def: To have something gotten rid of before it had a chance to show positive results.

Kirk (verb). (kirk, kirked, kirking). To accomplish an impossible task in a bold “jumping in feet first” sort of way. To change the rules of the game and win. Often applies to defeating a god-like being, advanced computer or nemesis.


Sheldon (verb, adverb): Named after noted scholar Dr. Sheldon Cooper. Def. To pull off a momentary lapse of geekiness that completely stops all other conversation, usually around non-geeks. Usually not done intentionally.

Walter-it-up- To screw something up badly in a melodramatic way.
“The questioning of Larry in The Big Lebowski was going fine until Walter had to go Walter-it-up!”

Going out like the Weasleys: named for George and Fred Weasley. Def. To make an exit with extravagance and possibly malice. Ex. When I get out of this rathole of a job, I’m going out like the Weasleys!!!

Casting the BONES:

When someone asks you to do something you really don’t want to do, you reply with a- “Damn it Jim I am a Doctor, not a (insert whatever job it is they requested of you).”

Waving the Medscanner:

You are at a slophouse and the waitress plops down your orders and leaves, an awkward silence looms as you and your friends stare at the plates of unidentifiable gruel. So to break the mood you wave a saltshaker over your plate while making a whistling sound and staring at your smartphone.

Once done you look up from your phone and announce, “According to my tricoder it is safe to eat.” Or , “It’s dead Jim.” Or perhaps, “This roasted Targ is free of parasites.” Whatever it takes to ease the tension and steal your stomachs for eating the greasy mess before you.

Door sounds:

The 'Shhssshoooossh’ing sounds Trekkers make when they walk through automatic doors.

I’ve heard “to Kirk Out” used in the sense of being histrionic or overly dramatic.

If you can claim to have defeated Khan Singh not just once but twice, you have the right to a being a bit of a diva.

But all the same, a secondary definition would be cool.

Rides Like The Normandy: Def. Transportation that rides smoothly, even in troubling scenarios like a frontal assault. Not to be confused with Rides Like a Mako.

Riding the Dragon : being in an altered state (drunk or…) and still doing what got you in the said state.

Boggle-Buster: Def. An act or someone who performs the act of beating the crap out of someone who asks what your boggle (or some variation) might be.

Punch Deck - v. To go online. From Gibson’s Neuromancer.

My days of punching deck are over.

Wilson - n. A screwup. From Gibson’s Count Zero Interrupt.

With each retelling of his story, he felt less like a wilson.

Meatspace - n. Real life (c.f. Cyberspace.) Origin uncertain. I thought it was Gibson or Stephenson, but neither used it early on. Gibson comes close in Nueromancer:

In the bars he’d frequented as a cowboy hotshot, the elite stance involved a certain relaxed contempt for the flesh. The body was meat.

Uuuuh… does that mean that this March’s festivities are more of a meat-up?

I think this is a cool idea. 'Prolly important to indicate where we are co-opting a phrase from a favorite medium

“The Dude abides / I was not aware of that Dude”
“Shiny / Gorram / I pull”

v. adopting a GWCism
“Nice pull”
“Channel your inner Alpaca”
“Sorry Barb”

v. creating something totally new here and repurposing it
“R2 insert” - a skeleton key go gain access to anything, anytime
“Rikered” - to mean you are boned.
“Navi’ed” - to tell the same story a slightly different way

Piked (Example: “I was Piked.” “You just Piked me”) - To post news on the forum before anyone else, only to have someone else post the same thing in a different thread hours later.

So true! Baconface FTW!

It does now!

Yeah, that’s why I’m including origins. I’m also confining it to stuff I actually use or have heard used.

And everyone replies to the later thread…

I am SOOOOO using Meatspace from now on! I love it!!!