I have found myself using a lot of slang recently inspired by GWC. Words and phrases and few understand and fewer can appreciate. I recently started throwing a few on my twitter account without fanfare. So I thought it might be something cool for the Hive Mind to do together: a dictionary of geek slang.
Allow me to start:
Getting Lost In His Own Museum: Def: To be careless, out of their league, or dangerously befuddled (especially involving Nazis). Ex: Jeffrey Lebowski is the kind of man to get lost in his own museum.
Grimlocked: To overshadow more “important” sentient (Autobots) beings to the point of scorn and ridicule by haters. Usually at the price of being excluded from following movies.
Han Shot First: Overemphasizing a minor detail to the point of distraction and defiance of reality.This usually comes with the cost of discourse and polarization. See Also: Blue Schlong.