Geek decorating

Okay, I will share pictures of what my room in my parents’ house looked like in 2004 and I’ll take all the crap y’all want to fling at me. There’s no sense in denying it, I’ll admit it, I’ve always been a geek and maybe, maybe some of you will come out and let us take a look at their scifi/geek sins that they committed as teenagers or during other stages of their geek lives.

So, Khan, here it comes - my geekily decorated teenie room on an ordinary day in 2004:

Can you find ALF in the middle picture?

That’s not nice to hide Alf. Alf is cool! Nice can!

The Alfmeister is the KING!

Can you believe, though, that I used him as a trash can for a while? :o

Wow. You earned your Geek Card, GR. Well done.

All that and Mr. Bean.

Great room!

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Although I have to say that, eventually, it just got over the top and when I moved into my dorm room, I refrained from geek decorating it. The only geeky thing I have here is a canvas with some random stars and nebulae that I did myself with GIMP and then had it printed on canvas.

speaking of which: I don’t have a picture of it here, but the room that I had as a kid, it had ALF wallpaper…

Oh Man - that would be cool! There was NO WAY I would have gotten that at as a kid. I was lucky to get the lavendar paint that I thought would be cool. NOTE: Lavendar is not a good wall color. :wink:

Lavender sounds like a nice 80s color, though :slight_smile:

yeah, that was a really cool wallpaper. I have pictures here somewhere, just not on my computer (they’re REAL photos from way back in the early 90s :D). I’ll scan one or two next weekend and post them here.

I promised to post a picture of my ALF wallpaper. I’m really sorry for the shitty quality, it’s a picture of a picture, but I hope it’s at least somewhat recognizable:

Damn, I had He-Man drapes, and didn’t think to take a picture of them.

Not when I was a kid, mind you, but a couple/three years ago.

This shot of your room reminds me of the Third Rock from the Sun stage, for some reason…

And, I wish I had a room decorated like that when I was younger. All I had was the I Want To Believe poster from the X-Files and the Mos Eisley Cantina: You’ll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy from Star Wars. Otherwise, my mom wanted me to keep my room frilly and pink. :rolleyes:


A new piece for a geekly-decorated room:

A binary clock!! Awesome!!


I notice that your German background comes through in your perfectly organized and stacked books. :smiley:

Who is the poster of directly above your bed? She looks suspiciously un-Scifi-esque.

You don’t want to see the drawer where I keep my sports clothes. The GF is always scared that I might explode some time.

Who is the poster of directly above your bed? She looks suspiciously un-Scifi-esque.
Avril Lavigne … :o:o:o

This is true.


Ok, I think we can give you a pass on that one. Not much my type, but to each his Dulcinea.

Reminds me of the arrangement I used to have before I moved out of my folks home.

One wall was all 8x10 Babylon 5 photos (half of which were signed), one wall was decked with weapons, then the other had various shelves and racks to hold video tapes and CDs.

Here’s a couple of picks I manged to find:

I have one of those on my desk at work. Even in IT it gets some weird looks

Not all who are in IT are geeks. Unfortunately :frowning:

Is that an American flag I see?

Looks like something you might fly proudly in New Jersey. :smiley:

(except for the seven-pointed stars, I suppose)