geek baby name

Dear Hive Mind,

Mrs Polemicturtle and I are expecting our first child and have run into a naming quandry.

We have been debating the first name “Wolf” for about 2 months now.

I think its an excellent first name and which been in my family off and on for generations. However my wife is concerned that while we think its a great idea it really wouldn’t serve him well, especially growing up.

Since we are biased we thought who better to ask than the hive mind. So we would greatly appreciate all the feedback we could get good, bad or ugly. As it will probably settle the matter.

Hope to see some of you at San Diego Wootstock!

Wolf’s a pretty cool name. We were within a week of naming our second kid ‘Admiral’, so I can relate. :slight_smile:

Disregard the haters. If you begin to feel doubt, decide to feel awesome instead.

so… if someone’s last name is Admiral and their parents named him Admiral, and he actually became a naval Admiral, he’d be Admiral Admiral Admiral?

Or Triple Admiral? Tripmiral?

now, there’s someone who can say he is destined to be an Admiral.

That would be how Major Major attanded the rank of major.

Try dropping a line to Wolf Blitzer to ask what his experience was.

I actually saw a Navy officer recently named Seeman. Seaman Seeman.

Or ask Wolf’s brother Chuck who got the better name.

Here’s my take: name your kid Wolf. Know that he is likely to be teased a bit in elementary and middle school and may prefer to go by his middle name or a nickname during those years. Raise him to embrace whatever personality he’s got, whether it’s a geeky one or no, and he’ll be strong enough and have the right attitude to deal with whatever comes.

Feh, don’t do things by half, forget Wolf and go with Worf!

Here are some alternatives, these would allow you to keep the spirit of the name but offer a little flair and uniqueness.

Ookami (Japanese)
Ulv (Norwegian)
Varg (Swedish)
Vilkas (lithuania) as wolf
Vilkolakiai (lithuania) as worewolf
now about russian (but not in kirilica
Volk (wolk)
Obaraten (werewolf)
lobo - spanish
loup - french
lupo - italian
Hebrew: Wolf = Ze’ev (Zeh-ehv)

Aligngix (Aleut)
Aligngis/Aligngin (Plural)

Kegluneq (Yupik)
Keglunerek (dual)
Kegluneret (plural)

Amaruq (Inuit dialects) singular
Amaqquk (Two wolves) dual
Amaqqut (Many wolves/Wolves) plural

Amaroq (Kalaallisut/Greenlandic)
Amaqqut (Wolves) plural

I am quite fond of Volk and Vilkas personally… :slight_smile:

Actually, if you do want to go with a geeky name, you could stick with Wolf as a first name, but give him the middle name of “359”.

I think it is good if it compliments the surname (as with Wolf Blitzer). Polemicturtle would feed the fires of teasing more then Wolf. Wolf Polemic actually sounds good where Wolf Smith, not so much. It would need to sound badass…like Chuck Cage! Also, no crazy spellings like Wolph or Wulf. :wink:

I think Wolf is a great name. I have several names I have planned out if I ever have kids that my husband is concerned the kid will get teased about as well.

I think that kids will tease your kid for something. It happens they will find the weakest spot to aim at. If your wife is worried about them being teased you have to also rule out any names that might rhythm with something.
Scotty Potty
Matt Fat
Chris Piss

I am pretty sure normal names can cause teasing just as much.

I would be interested to know how this turns out and what argument works on your wife since I have not convinced my husband yet :slight_smile:

That’s a particularly unfortunate one. If he’s Major majored, he’ll be a deck swabbing seaman for the rest of his carrier, Anapolis deploma be damned.

I really wanted to take a pic but I didn’t want to tempt him to punch me. I’m sure it gets old when you’re Seaman Seeman.

Tiberius. Definitely, Tiberius.

“Rainbow Dash” Or maybe “Rainbow Aleksi Dash”

Oh wait. It’s been done.

I’m thinkin Wolf’s a bold name, but if relatives with said name have survived into adulthood with it, go for it.

That said, I’ve noticed lately that there’s greater flexibility with girl names than with boys (can you say Apple?). It’s a little annoying. Wolf’s about as intertesting as you can get without incuring a visit from child services.

Uhh, I just thought of a good one: Tahmoh

I can’t think of any geeky names at the moment. What you really have to do with naming your child in make sure that it comes out clearly for when they get in trouble and you need to get their attention. Both my wife and I have agreed on this point.

Nobody? Do I really need to do this myself?

Oh yeah, one of my favorite Roman emperors. Classic.

Only if your last name’s “359”

May I propose “Shane”?

Thank you all for the comments and thoughts please keep them coming. We both really like the name but she is rightly concerned how it will serve him as an adult. I guess the point hinges on if Wolf is merely a bold name or if it will become a negative distraction in social / professional situations.