Gary the Cylon

That’s right, Gary. Looks like the One Minute Galactica folks have been busy.


Complete playlist of (currently) sixteen(!) episodes.

That was awsome.

Slow applause, building to loud cheers. :slight_smile:

but will his brother Larry show up?

Actually, there’s only one of me. You might have pictured 5 or 10 people all working together to put together those episodes, but it’s just me in a cramped, smelly room, making up stupid lines of dialogue for a guy in a robot costume from a 30 year old TV series. Hmm. Now that I’ve written that down, it all seems kind of sad. Oh well. Thanks for saying nice things, anyway.

OMG, that was funny! Bravo, oneminutegalactica!

Sad? SAD? Was Van Gogh sad? Was Schubert sad? Was Rimbaud sad?

Well, um, yes, kind of…but they were still geniuses. And so, sir, are you. :smiley:

I’ve been sitting around for days waiting for someone to group me in with a bunch of famous, genius types. I have to say, though, it’s kind of an insult that you didn’t include Edison and Einstein.

Actually, I thought it was two people for some reason. Still, that’s just more impressive (on a nerd scale of ‘impressive.’)

Well done oneminutegalactica! An Emo Cylon…who’d a thunk it…well I guess you did. :smiley:
And welcome to the GWC forum!

Thanks, Gryper.

Is it tacky to put up a link to your own video? Probably. Am I going to do it anyway? Definitely.

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Not at all. Self-promote all you want. These are great.

Microwave defeats the Cylons. If the colonies only knew.

Not as long as it doesn’t suck. :smiley:

But the poor guy just wanted some punch. Carrot Top and Fancy Boy were no help at all.

That was hilarious! Thanks for sharing.

The next one is the last one? :frowning:

Yeah, episode 20 will probably be the last.

that’s brilliant

Great stuff, oneminutegalactica. I laughed HARD many times! Thanks for putting in the hard work it took to put these together. Please be sure to leave 'em up there for people to enjoy!

Hey, guys, if any of you get the G4 channel, I’m pretty sure one of my Star Wars videos, Fire When Ready, is going to be on Attack of the Show at 7 PM eastern. I just checked their web site and it’s listed in their Around the Net segment.