Game of Thrones Books/A Song of Fire & Ice (SPOILERS)

So I just finished Dance/Dragons, and I’m ready for the loooong winter waiting for the rest of the books.

I discovered the world through the HBO series, then read and (mostly) loved the books (except the parts when I wanted to toss them across the room).

The books have been discussed in a couple other threads over the years, but I thought I’d start a new thread for spoilery discussion of all the books.

I’ll use some spoiler tags, but be warned: Thar will be spoilers.

So: Game of Thrones… discuss.

Re: Major development in book 3…

[spoiler]Tywin had Joffrey killed, right?[/spoiler]

D’oh… the search engine failed me, and I didn’t see the previous book discussion thread, which is here:

I think everyone has been sufficiently warned that I am not going to bother with spoiler tags. But no, I don’t think Tywin had anything to do with it. I think the evidence points to Olenna Tyrell being the mastermind.

Well, that seem implied in just the conversation she has with Sansa right before it happens. So, I take it there’s an awards ceremony for her at some point in book four or five?

I’m going to reply to this on the Dancing With The Dragons (sic) thread, which I also overlooked…