Game of Thrones 2x10 Valar Morghulis

Chicks dig scars

A beautiful girl asks you to go somewhere tropical and eat, drink, and fuck: you go

“I’m a monster AND a dwarf. You should charge double.”

Learn to ride the unicycle, and juggle chainsaws, and he’d make riches to rival Daddy Lannister.

How precisely do they justify his “nightclub floozie” highlight streak? I’ve seen frumpy hairdressers with that look.

Oh, that really was not the 1,000th post I really wanted to have. HA.

Starks get boned again

How did he make it out to the Godswood?

I don’t even particularly like him and it’s getting dusty

They close the chapter on him with an emphasis on his few redeeming qualities. That’s reason enough.

These Dani scenes in the House are like a really bad video game layout. A little too over-stylized for my taste. GET TO IT.

The throne room has seen better days…

Time to justify the production budget…use ALL the sets!

MAMOA! Nooooooo

I miss the shit out of Drogo and totally didn’t know it till right now

Oh, look. Wise men with skinny arms. Who happen to be undead. LOVELY.


And I have more screen time with that gorgeous brogue. IBIMB. (Never coming back.)

Oh I like Dany again. I like her a lot

I literally was about the write the same thing. She now FINALLY has a spine.

And we have our Game of Walking Thrones of the Dead crossover.