Game of Thrones 2x08 The Prince of Winterfell

I love watching Cersei & Tyrion

She’s been effectively powerless for a while…give her a chance to once again turn the screws, and…

HOLY CROM! Tyrion only gets better!

Well, THERE’S a Lannister debt to be repaid. Just a little unlikely.

I love watching Cersei thinking she’s being smart and clever. You’d think after the 10th time something’s blown up in her face that she’d divest herself of some of the arrogance and hubris…

“Your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth, and you’ll know the debt is paid” - Tyrion giving as good as he gets

Peter Dinklege needs an Emmy. That is all.

No competition this year. It’s his.

You mean a second one :wink:

I think Charles Dance & Maisie Williams should get a combined one

This whole interaction with her and Rob is just lovely. Such a great addition to the story. Better than the book (IMNECTHO)

you can’t help but fall in love with her, as Rob does, word by word, half smile, by half smile… it’s really wonderful.

This is the best I’ve seen them do with it so far. I’ve found it cliche & kinda boring until now

Damned period clothing takes so LONG to unravel. Velcro, kids, Velcro!

This episode DID really take it from “She’s cute and I’m smitten” to actual three dimensional human emotion… a nice build (that could have easily gone rambling in to the weeds.)

ROFL exactly! I couldn’t help but think “It’s amazing ANYONE got laid in the old days!”

An interesting counterpoint to the “dangerous attraction” between John Snow and Ygritte.

well THAT is a few more than “one more death”…

Makes me think of George Carlin’s explanation why there were no Eskimo rapists.

She didn’t name them though

I loved Davos in the books, here… he’s fantastic. You really want Stannis to succeed JUST so Davos does (in his loyalty). Great call-and-response to the Dani-Jorah loyalty and motivations aspect.

There is that!