Game of Thrones 2x08 The Prince of Winterfell

I love this exchange…the Lannister snark in full effect. Shades of Tyrion.

I will say it once again, I love Brienne! This is gonna be good!

“see that he doesn’t get drunk in the evenings”… and HOW perchance is ARYA little one she is, supposed to keep the Mountain from getting hammered?!

Harrenhal is definitely sufficiently creepy. Wonder what Arya is going to do

I imagine that depends on how afraid he is of Tywin

Also, in the series, you get a great deal more respect for Tywin than you did in the books (IMNECTHO)

YAY! Another edition of the Tyrion & Bronn show!

Exactly… they’re doing a comedy tour of the Iron Isles after this run…

“I’d swap all your books for a few good archers.” Spoken like a trooper. =)

“It’s just the UNKNOWN thieves we need to worry about” - Bronn, master of the one-liner

The arctic scenes are SO stunning, but damn it must’ve SUCKED to film those…

Varys & Tyrion plotting strategy gives me the heebie jeebie

I don’t think I can adequately describe how stunning this scenery is

what do we have here…

“A man has patrol duty” - My new sig

Oh Arya you clever, clever girl

Here we go…Arya…FTW. Quite the little chessmaster.

The reaction there is great… “un-name me”… speaks VOLUMES to his beliefs with no words

“it’s not on the throne either…” watch it Tyrion…

Cersei is SUCH a C***…