Game of Thrones 2x04 Garden of Bones

No. No, no, no, no, no. Twisted little in-bred sociopathic bastard…the show has reached a new level.

You can really tell Joffery is 100% Lannister

I hope the little shit Joff rots for a long god damn time before his miserable little life is terminated.

Maybe it’s the actor’s performance, or the enigmatic ebb and flow of his deceptions and truths, but I can’t entirely dislike Baelish. I should, but I don’t…

Meanwhile, in Scottsdale…

Peter is very well cast, though the entire show is

Hey- is that a desert jab?

Harrenhal looks fucking amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing holy crap

I’d rather be at Castle Dracula than where Arya is now

Arya is NOT in good company.

Reciting a revenge list?

That’s Arya’s prayer every night

That was my thot too. Staying strong by reciting it.

What a sniveling liar.

How’s he looking to you now?

Am I the only one who’s read the books in the frak tonight?


Oh he definitely knows the way to a woman’s heart.

I for one have not.

Flowers, chocolate, your dead husband’s severed head…