Game of Thrones 2x04 Garden of Bones

Well Dawn, you didn’t mention amputations.

War is hell. That was harsh

And this type of medicine was practiced all the way up to the Civil War and even up to WWI.

She is a lively one. I like her.

Shit, I’ve been dreading this scene

Joff is such a frakkin chode

I didn’t mind the Joffrey-less episode last week in the slightest.

If you were Arya what would you do? Continue to grovel or try to harm the reigning King?

Yes Tyrion!!

God bless the uncle

That was a threat. Do you see the difference?”

And ladies and gentlemen, we have our Quote of the Night ™.


Bronn could totally take him too. Much love for Bronn

Tyrion for President!

I want one of Tyrion’s presents.

Uh, is Joffrey trying to be effin Daryl from WD now?w? What’s with the crossbow?

I really hate Joffery

Dude isn’t doing this cause he gets off on it, dude’s doing it cause he’s a fucking bastard. Do not like

OK, this kid has serious issues. He makes Batman look like Ghandi.

