Game of Thrones 1x03 Lord Snow

5 minutes and change.

I’m also enjoying the regional differences in dress and style.

“Shame you didn’t say a prayer for the butcher’s son.”

Nice that they didn’t forget about him.

Here for a bit. Time check?

5:15 minutes is

They did the council poorly. I had to stop and explain who everyone was.

General Veers!! So the Empire is already in the realm! :eek:
And being in dept at the mercy of the Lannisters…doesn’t sound good

The new Hand is a fiscal conservative. :stuck_out_tongue:

He’s a Stark. He’s conservative by nature.

I still haven’t watched the first one. 'talosFAIL

I needs to catch up. Enjoy the frak.

This scene with Cersei and Joffery is new.

Joffrey the ultimate indulged spoiled brat

“Someday, you’ll sit on the throne, and the truth will be what you make it.” :smiley:

“And if you’d rather fuck painted whores, you’ll fuck painted whores.” :eek:

Such a touching mother-son moment. :stuck_out_tongue:

Get crackin’, man! You don’t know what you’re missing.

And someday, he’ll make a brutal and universally hated king.

I <3 Arya.

That is all.

Cersei and Sarah Connor share a sense of brutal pragmatism.

And the anorexia already begins.

“War was easier than daughters!” :smiley:

I also hate Sansa.

(Well, for the first couple seasons anyhow.)

“Do you know the first thing about sword fighting?”
“Stick 'em with the pointy end!” :smiley:

That is the essence of it…