Galaxy Quest 7/2 @ 10 PM ET


hammer :smiley:

“But you live with your mother.”

I never caught that. Guy is hitting on a girl who works in the stock room and she says that. giggle

never seen a bad performance from him :slight_smile: from Jane Austen hero to badsorrybarb villain to anatomically impaired Voice of the Almighty, he’s simply ossim :slight_smile:

“Do you really think he was talking about a job?”

I take it back Tony Shalub’s character is the best character “That was a helluva thing”

Lesser actors couldn’t have sold this scene. Brilliantly done. :stuck_out_tongue:

I was passing through a room during a party. The guys in there were drinking and watching a porno. I walked passed the TV and saw the actor’s huge…um…hammer…I threw out the quote, “By Grabthar’s Hammer…” Laughter ensued.

" You guys came. Who wants the grand tour?"

They’ve taken ‘Everything I learned about life I learned watching Star Trek’ to a whole new level.

The beryllium sphere looks like Silver Red Matter.

“I’m just jazzed about being on the show, man.”

“Look this thingy.”


At least it served a purpose being that big. :slight_smile:

What kinda parties do you go to since this movie came out

OK. Who wants to learn Thermian?

There is a Thermian language track!

Apparently parties that have the plotlines of gay porn. :slight_smile:


Makes me laugh, Every. Single. Time. :smiley:

It was a Barbie’s princess birthday party.

No. It wasn’t.

Actually I believe he was cleaning a pool and a MILF got bored.

“Better than my lieutenant.”