Galaxy Quest 7/2 @ 10 PM ET

Monday, 2 July 2010
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific
(Calculate Time Zone)

“By Grabthar’s hammer, by the sons of Worvan, you shall be avenged!”


It’s actually on you tube. Part one is at

Never give up. Never surrender. /Mathesar

I shout that at sporting events in full Mathesar mode. You’d be surprised, some people actually get it. Others, not so much.

Alan Rickman rocks in this!

I’ve been listening to Wil Wheaton narrate his book, Just a Geek. In it he references the movie, saying that he had really been turned off to going to Star Trek/sci fi cons, and hadn’t for quite awhile…until he saw this movie. Says it reminded him of all the fun that could (and should) be had at conventions and really turned his attitude around. Shortly thereafter he made some phone calls and jumped back into attending cons, and having a ball at them (mostly).

I’m ready to go for :15.

Anyone else here?

Ready and waiting.

I love this film. There is so much talent. Great casting.

Hola Scotchy

Hey Badger! What’s happening?

all set!! let’s go!!

Starting now…

Hey DP!!

I would totally watch that TV series.

I’m going to stay here as long as I can, but I have to get up REAL early tomorrow morning.

Sam Rockwell is gold in everything!

Guy is the best character in this movie.

The usual. Trying to plot the downfall of a galactic overlord, while dealing with the intricacies of time travel.

“You had the…oh wait…I’ll think of it.”

That’s me at team meetings.

I hope I don’t lose my job.

They are all so well written. Rickman’s performance is amazing.

He comes with his own echo system.

They turned the mic off.
