Galactic War Video

Now, here’s a task for my geek friends out there:

Help my identify all the ships and other vessels in this video:


I saw:

Colonial Viper
Battlestar Galactica
USS Voyager
USS Enterprise E
Star Destroyer
TIE Fighters

the ship rotating around itself, was that the Discovery from 2001?

The rotating ship was not the Discovery… but I could swear that the red ship is from Black Hole. And also I think I saw the ship from Space 1999.

Well, at 1:00 there is a flight of TIE Fighters, Star Destroyers, and what are either Narn or Centari Cruisers from B5.

1:20- Flight of Earth Force Battleship (B5), Starfuries (B5), and Corellian Destroyer (I think thats what its called, from SW)

1:31- USS Defiant (ST:TNG)

I just have to say, I hope BSG ends like that!

Corellian Corvette.

Yeah, I never watched BS5, that’s why I didn’t know those ships

I think I saw Pike’s house during the low level strafing runs…

They’re Omega class Destroyers from B5. (Had to google that one. Haven’t seen B5 since it went off broadcast.) is an interesting site. Amateur 3d videos showing out the classical 'net arguments about what movie ship is more powerful than another… fun stuffe.

Unfortunately the content creation kind of died off :frowning:

Interesting site. I tried it earlier and it wasn’t up at all.