Galactic Phrase Book and Travel Guide

Has any one ever read the Galactic Phrase Book and Travel Guide. Basicly is a simplified version of learning to speak SW languages. Not as complex as learning Klingon. It was written by sound designer and ediot of the saga Ben Burt. A few phrases…

H’chu apenkee- greetings
Mee dunkee gunko- I am pleased to meet you
Dolpee kikyuna!- I am a friend
Geebawa do lorda numa- Take me to your leader.
Nee dolya pukee toba- I come in peace
Twoos pa reeta bah flootah- May your juices stay fresh
chuba - hey you
Kava doompa D’emperiolo stoopa- You’re a low-down Imperial fool
U wamma wonka- You gonna pay for that?
U kulle rah doe kankee kung- You are my kind of scum
Cha skunee do pat, sleemo- Don’t count on it slimeball
Koose cheekta nei- Bring her to me
chik youngee- dancing girl

Goopa- Hi
Che womok! Bont nub paamuk-Beware, I have great power!
Yeha- Good-Bye
Chak- Yes
Yubnub- Hooray
Ee chee wa maa!- Wow or Gee whiz
Acha- Okay
Treek- Go
Yub yub- Let’s go
Na goo- Stop
Kvark- Fooey
Ne gata fop ronda ronda?- Where is the landing platform?
Coro bingee me ota ji rueenee Death Star?- Can you guide me to the Death Star ruins?
Allaylo ta nuv- Celebrate the love
Coatee-cha yub nub- Celebrate the freedom
Coatee-cha tu paamuk- Celebrate the power
Yeha- Good-bye
Yubnub- Hurray!
Deksh- Oh dear/Oh my
luu- beautiful

That’s just a sample of two languages. They cover a few more, from Bocce, R2’s beeps, to the wookie language. It’s a fun book to read.

actually i can see a copy on my bookshelf right now, a very interesting book to impress your fellow geeks.

Weird, that’s what I was thinking when I heard that…