Futurama: Bender's Game

Anyone catch the latest Futurama DVD yet? I’ve watched it once. My dvd should be here shortly, so I can check out the audio commentry. While these dvds aren’t as good as the show was, it’s still better than nothing.

Are you talking about “The Beast with a Billion Backs” It was on TV about a week ago, watched it, it was pretty good but yeah the series was better.

Nope, Beast With a Billion backs was the second DVD. Bender’s Game is the third. I know my DVD has been shipped, it just hasn’t arrived yet.

Yeah, I’m patiently waiting my turns at Netflix. Next weekend, perhaps.

I watched it, I enjoyed it. I’mma get the one with the commentary now actually. Futurama commentary rocks shit

I watched “Beast with a billion backs” last night and it didn’t really hold my attention. I like the first one though

I was disappointed with Bender’s Game.

It had a lot of promise but just didn’t deliver for me.