Futurama 6x03 Attack of the Killer App

Thursday, 1 July 2010
10 PM Eastern/Pacific

“What smells like bloody sinuses?” :smiley:

Morbo! :stuck_out_tongue:

A new EyePhone!

This seems… oddly familiar. :rolleyes:

“Shut up and take my money!” :smiley:

The Real Housewives of Sim City :smiley:

Direct marketing on your eyePhone?

Of course, that could never happen for real, right Steve Jobs? :eek:

Susan boil! :eek:

An exclusive look at the worst movie of the year! Yay! :stuck_out_tongue:

Now, Predators, OTOH, looks AWESOME. :eek:

Aw, poor Leela. :frowning:

Poor Mr. Chunks! :eek:

“And now, to create an unstoppable army of between one million and two million zombies!” :smiley:

“Introducing the new eyePhone 2.0”
“Dumb bastards!”


I was thinking about you and Solai while watching that.

The ep as a whole wasn’t as good as the previous two, but both the eyePhone’s installation and the Susan Boil scenes were so amazing that I laughed until I cried.

I am soooooo happy that Futurama’s back!