Futurama 6x01 Rebirth

Wednesday, 30 June 2010
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

Futurama was never cancelled by idiots.

It was never brought back by even bigger idiots.

All glory to the Hypno-Toad! :smiley:

Goo tub to the rescue! :stuck_out_tongue:

“Hey, speaking of splattered bowels, can I cook you dinner tonight, Leela?” :eek:

Sexbot doesn’t pass the Turing test.

Still a sexbot, though. :slight_smile:

I wonder what Leela-bot would do if she came across a tortoise on its back?

Bender’s belches are like Prince Charming’s kisses! :eek:

“He just melted away, like phlegm on a hot sidewalk.” :smiley: