Fullmetal Alchemist returns

Fullmetal Alchemist finally returns to the TV. This time with the original manga story!

The first episode aired April 5th 2009.

Here’s the new opening for the new series!

Ok, I just saw the first episode. I was really disappointed. . .it kindof sucked. One of those try-to-introduce-the-entire-plot-in-an-action-packed-episode sort of things that failed flat as a first episode.

That being said, the series does seem to have some potential. I didn’t like the first 30 minutes of the Dollhouse pilot either, but that’s one of my favorite series now. My biggest fear is if they decided to not make the series as dark as the first one, which I think would be a mistake. That really added a lot to the original adaptation.

I also kindof got the impression they were trying to appeal to existing fans, by reminding us just how badass FMA is (which didn’t seem to work either).


i am so pumped
havent seen it yet, but i love fma

5 episodes later (you know where to get them from :wink: ).
The art in episode 5 is weird but I enjoyed the new Scar vs Alrics fight.

From Chapter 6: Although how Scar identified edward was different, still wanted to see that first kill :wink:
But they had a longer scene before running to the alley.

From Chapter 7: they took out Armstrong’s line about fixing Al and Mustag and others jokingabout Ed being a kid. it could be saved for next episode though.

At this rate (2 chapters per episode) we will have at least 43 + 21 + 10 + 5 + 2 + 1 episodes until the anime catches up with the manga, but apparently the manga is near the end anyway :slight_smile:

Next week, 2 and a half men taking a trip (get it? ed and armstrong. Al’s half body :wink: )

did you get to watch it ? :cool: