FSL 3.0 challenge 3: Take Them Out At The Ballgame

Cindy: “I feel so terrible about what happened to the Earthicans. Will they all recover Doc?”

Dr. O’hara: “While this plague [Semenarrhea] came on fast and is quite uncommon, things could be much worse. The main symptom is penile vomiting so they aren’t in mortal danger, they just won’t be in control of all there bodily functions.”

“I can’t imagine what pain these gentlemen are going through.” Gai says as he pops open a couple blood sample vials and downs them. :oops:

Dr. O’hara: “Thankfully you can’t catch this plague if you are animated.”

A heartbroken look comes over Gai’s face. :frowning:

Kakashi: “That also means we are immune to midi-chlorians. What do you think Jimmy? You seem awfully quite.”

Cindy: “Neutronidumb’s just moping because the last time we played baseball ended with us loosing the World Championship 112-0.”

Dr. O’hara: “You should have known that it is unwise to go into battle without a ninja. They are so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up.”

“Thanks homie!” Kakashi and Gai said as they headed to the field for the start of the game. Kakashi had watched many videos of great pitchers and with his Sharingan, was able to copy any of their styles. He also was able to tell which pitch was best in reaction to the opponents body movements. Gai was in position behind 2nd base so he could field any hits. The only person to get a hit was the old man in the black gown. It was like he was guiding the ball himself. On the chance the ball was hit high enough Gai couldn’t catch, he defected it with a kunai back toward the field. When they were up, the old man named Vader was pitching. It also felt like his pitches were being controlled in mid air but they were happy with a stalemate until they had a plan for true vengeance.

Jimmy: “Brain Blast!”

Upon arrival they had noticed that the moon in orbit was actually a space station and Jimmy had Goddard (his robotic dog) scan it thoroughly. Jimmy finally noticed that there was a small exhaust port for the environmental control system. Jimmy had Cindy unstitched a couple balls, Goddard hallowed them out, Jimmy filled them with the blood samples of the plague ridden team, sealed them and Cindy stitched them back up. They arrived at the team dugout and told Kakashi the plan, then immediately left the stadium.

It was the seventh inning stretch so they went back to the locker room where Gai helped Kakashi release The Gate of Opening (This gate removes the restraints of the brain on the muscles so 100% of their strength can be used whereas normally, a person can only use 20%). As Kakashi walked up to the plate he uncovered the sharingan for the first time at bat, which made “The Vader” curious. Kakashi could read exactly where the ball was going to be based on Vader’s facial expressions and without looking at it…SMACK!!! Channeling his strength and chakra into the bat, the ball blasted into the sky towards the so called “Moon”. Vader threw up a hand signal and one of his team shot a laser blast at him and he deflected it with his sword of light. The shot hit the ball and with a poof of smoke it disappeared and another ball reappeared continuing on the same path. “I think this game is over! Free drinks on us, we will be at Shooter’s Bar on Lookout Ridge.” Kakashi announced to the stadium and then they were both gone in a flash. Hours later they and thousands of new friends all watched in delight as the newly infected Moon Base crashed into the stadium.

Jimmy: “I guess I don’t need a trophy to be a winner. Kanpai!” :wink:

Team 3000

Hero: Flexo
Nemesis: Bender

Hero: Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth
Nemesis: Dr. Ogden Wernstrom

“I don’t care what they say! They can all bite my shiny metal ass!” Bender shouted in response to the complaints about his methods during the last mission. He sat in the Planet Express conference room, feet propped up on the table, cigar in his mouth, counting a stack of money in his hands, the ill gotten gains from that same mission.

Flexo stomped into the room, casting an angry scowl at Bender.

“Oh, hey there Flexo. I was gonna bail you out myself but I’ve been busy counting all of this money.” Bender let out a loud and obnoxious laugh.

“You jerk! They threatened to melt me down! Right before they bailed me out I was imagining how I would escape and recycle you into spare parts!” Flexo paused for a minute before continuing. “Nah, I’m just kidding, you’re alright.” He slapped Bender on the back before sitting down next to him.

The Professor walked into the room waving their latest mission assignment. “Good news everyone! For this mission we have been authorized to lie, cheat, steal, murder, and destroy.”

“Alright!” Bender shouted, “Those are five of my favorite things to do!”

The Professor read the rest of the assignment. “It seems we are to help Earth win a game of ‘baseball’ against some sort of Evil Galactic Empire.”

“Baseball? Is that anything like Blernsball?” Flexo asked.

“Hmmm, I’m not sure,” the Professor replied. “To the internet!”

The Professor pulled up an article on baseball, including an instructional video. The crew all watched it with varying levels of boredom. Of course, since it was on the internet at the end it devolved into porn, with the ballgirl commenting on the size of the of the first baseman’s ‘bat.’ The professor turned it off before it got very juicy, to a chorus of boos from the rest of the crew.

“It seems that this Empire has an unlimited number of players to field from their orbiting space ball. There is only one solution to this problem! Doomsday Device!” The Professor unlocks his doomsday device cabinet and grabs one of the devices. “Bender, you and Flexo can take the ship up to their death sphere and planet the device at the exact center of it! You’ll have to be disguised as the types of robots they use so you can blend in.”

“Meanwhile, I will stay on Earth and create an team of atomic mutant baseball players the likes of which the Universe has never seen!” The Professor lets out a patented Mad Scientist cackle while lightning flashes out the window behind him and thunder booms in the distance.

“Atomic mutants? How predictable.”

The Professor recognizes the voice and shakes his fist. “Wernstrom!”

The doctor stands up from where he had been silently sitting and listening to the briefing. “You mutants will be no match for the baseball playing robots that I will design!”

“Bring it on you whippersnapper!”

Bender and Flexo fly the Planet Express ship up to the Death Star. Bender has painted himself a shiny gold to look like a protocol droid while Flexo wears a garbage can to look like an astromech. The pair wander the station, Bender carrying the device in a box. The two robots are clearly lost until Bender stops in his tracks.

“Well hello there good lookin’.”

He saunters over to a female GNK droid. “Whats a fine lady like you doing in a station this round?”


“You should know, I am fluent in over 8 million languages ….of love.”


Flexo nudges Bender in the side. “Bender, get her to take us to the core. I mean, beep, boop, boop, whistle.”

“What? Oh yeah, right. Hey baby, you know my favorite make out place? The core of a space station. The reactor will bring the color out in your buttons.”


The droid began walking off towards the core as Bender and Flexo followed.

Meanwhile, Farnsworth and Wernstrom completed their teams, the professor using some chronitrons he had laying around to age his mutants into adulthood. The two men reluctantly agree to each field half a team with their creations, with the pitcher being a compromise of an atomic mutant cyborg.

Back on the Death Star the robots finally reach the core. While Bender and the Gonk droid make out, Flexo carefully plants the device and activates the timer. Flexo nudges Bender again and points at the device. Bender turns back to the Gonk droid. “Sorry baby! I gots to go! I’ll call ya!” He turns back to Flexo. “Cheese it!”

The two robots run back to their ship and fly off of the Death Star as it dramatically explodes behind them, inexplicably leaving a ring shaped concussion blast.

Back on Earth the game is hotly contested. The atomic mutants run all over the field with their multiple arms and legs, easily fielding ground balls, while the robots, with their extendable limbs are able to catch even the highest of hits. They cyborg pitcher fires the baseballs from his arm cannon at nearly the speed of sound. Despite these advantages it seems that the baseballs magically go the right way from the Empire. On top of that, several mutants were choking, literally, clutching their throats as if someone was straggling them. On top of that it appeared someone was slicing into the robots with some sort of laser sword. They were rapidly running out of replacement players

The Professor rubs his chin as he watches the game. “It’s almost as if there is some outside ‘Force’ that’s moving the balls right towards their gloves and bats. Hmmmmm.” The Professor then notices the opposing team’s manager moving his hand along with the baseballs, somehow manipulating them. He quickly hatches a plan, spiking the black clad manager’s Gatorade bottle with reverse chronitons. He is soon replaced by a young man with shoulder length brown hair. He continues to manipulate the baseballs while yelling about having brought, ‘Peace, Justice and security to his new baseball empire.’

“You idiot Farnsworth! You’ve only made things worse!” Wernstrom yelled at him.

The Professor only smiled, “Just wait.”

The young man was soon replaced by a whiney teenager. He stormed out to the pitchers mound and replaced him, claiming he was ‘holding him back.’ The baseballs started to show less control now.

“This is soooo Wizard!” The now 10 year old manager exclaimed as he watched the game. With the baseballs now under no outside influence the Earth team began hitting home run after home run, at least on the few occasions the stormtroopers were able to get the ball over the plate. It seemed without the influence of the dark lord they had little to no accuracy.

Earth crushed the Galactic Empire 421-0. The Professor and Wernstrom are hoisted up into the air and carried off the field. There was a loud snap as they were carried away, followed by the exclamation, “Oh! My hips!”

[b][b]Team Three Doctors and a Captain

Indiana Jones (Dr Henry Jones Jr) * Dr. Rene Belloq / Dr. Horrible * Captain Hammer

Intergalactic Baseball Championship Finals

Captain Hammer, Dr.Horrible, Belloq and Indiana Jones were huddled in the dugout. They needed to come up with a way that just four of them could have a hope of competing in a baseball game versus Darth Vader and nearly an unlimited supply of Imperial Storm Troopers.

Dr. Horrible: Okay you guys, we need to come up with a way that just four of us can have a hope of competing in a baseball game versus Darth Vader and nearly an unlimited supply of Imperial Storm Troopers. Ideas?

Rene Belloq: Hmm…I don’t know baseball very well. Also, I’m not in the best shape. I typically ride around in vehicles rather than, ya know, actually exerting myself. I should probably go to the …what do you call it…the Gym?

Capt. Hammer: Me too. … Wait a sec. I don’t go the gym. I just naturally look like this. (smiles, pleased with himself).

Dr. Horrible: Come on you guys! Can we PLEASE focus? Dr. Jones. Do you have any ideas?

Indiana Jones: i[/i]. I’m done.

Dr. Horrible: Huh?

Indiana Jones: I SAID. I AM DONE!! To hell with this. I give up.

Rene Belloq: But…Jones…you NEVER give up, what …

Indiana Jones: I’m done! I can’t take this anymore!!
Then it’s a Mass Effect SPACE STATION!!.
And now Imperial Storm Troopers from a Galactic Empire?!!
NO!!! I’m done!
I’m Indiana Jones! Isn’t that cool enough? For chrissake!!!

Rene Belloq: What about the space aliens in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull?

Indiana Jones: [b]i[/i] I will TAKE this whip, and I will cram it down your throat!!! Understand!!!

Suddenly Darth Vader bursts onto the field with a cadre of Imperial Storm Troopers. He walks over to Indiana Jones and points to him.

Darth Vader: Seize Solo and bring him.

Indiana Jones: What the Hell!! God dammit, I’m NOT Han Solo!!

Belloq, Dr. Horrible and Capt. Hammer just stand there contemplating what just happened.

Capt. Hammer: How come hardly none of this was about me? I’ve been hearing a lot of not-me stuff and the Hammer doesn’t like it.

Six Hours Later

[LEFT]Darth Vader’s Personal Log [i]We won the baseball championship… obviously. The opposing team was no match for the power of the Dark Side, and my storm troopers.

Probably wasn’t sporting of me to remove Han Solo from the game before it even started. But he was annoying me wearing that stupid fedora hat and that lame whip. Solo was foolish to think he could fool me by calling himself Indiana Jones.

Anyway, I’ve taken him and frozen him in Carbonite…AGAIN. But this time, I’m going to keep a close watch over him. See enclosed pic of my new desk. [/i]

LMAO. Best failed mission ever.

Sooo…how much did Shooter bribe you to throw the game?! :smiley: j/k!!!

And that desk… WANT!

  1. I’m not above bribing, but ThotFullGuy writes such great solutions! I love reading them and could never compete with his brilliance.


III - I’m not surprised Dr. Horrible didn’t do anything when Vader took Solo…I mean Indy. He is a bit of a coward. I AM surprised Dr. Horrible wasn’t in awe of Vader and wanting to study him for his EEEVVVILLLLNESSSS.

~Shooter Out

PS - It will be hard for me to ever look at Dr. Horrible again and not see Barney Stinson (NPH - How I Met Your Mother) acting out a fantasy.

Aww, thanks dude.

And Hey, Dr. Horrible wanted to study Darth Vader’s EEEVILNESSS…I like that!
That said though, Darth Vader never did have a good “Muwah Ha ha ha ha!” style Evil laugh…and that’s just standards. :smiley:

Emperor had a pretty a good evil “heh he he heh” laugh though.

“What’s ‘Bay’s Ball’?” Skeletor asked. The Red Skull and He-Man stared back blankly, shrugging slightly.
“What?” Captain America yelped incredulously. “It’s the American pastime! Right up there with Mom and apple pie!”
“Bah! You Americans have no special claim on Mutter und Apfelpastete!” The Red Skull snarled.
“We don’t have time for this,” He-Man interjected. “Can you explain how to play?”
Cap’s boyish grin was all the answer he needed.

Darth Vader was up at bat, his lightsaber glowing crimson. Cap shook his head disapprovingly, but he knew that “unsportsmanlike conduct” had no meaning in this game. His fastball whizzed past Vader’s head, too quick for the Sith Lord’s cyborg optics to register. “Strike one!” the umpire called out. Vader held out two fingers, and suddenly the ump began clutching at his throat, gasping for air. “Ball one!” he squeaked, instantly feeling the ability to breath returning. Cap glared at the tall figure in black. He next through a wild curveball, which mysteriously straightened and slowed until it appeared to hover before Lord Vader, who swung his lightsaber, neatly bisecting the ball in midair. Without warning, both halves inexplicably flew off in opposite directions, until both had left the park. Vader confidently but slowly strode from base to base, as the band played a familiar marching song.
Fortunately, the Stormtroopers who followed him were easily dispatched, as they were completely unable to hit anything. :rolleyes:

Cap was next up to bat, facing off against a Stormstrooper pitcher. Cap’s swing connected with a solid crack, despite the trooper’s better-than-Sandpeople precision. He ran the bases, showing off a bit in the final stretch, somersaulting into home.

The Red Skull looked unsure as he stepped up to bat, not completely grasping the rules. He missed each pitch, swinging wildly but failing to connect each time. “Strike Three!” the umpire announced, ushering Red Skull off the plate. “Scheiße!” he howled, pulling out two pistols, which he fired randomly in every direction. Clouds of “dust of death” surrounded the umpire and all the Stormtroopers within range, who clawed at their faces while writhing in pain on the ground. He walked away, his whistling of Chopin’s funeral march easily heard in the sudden silence.

After the Stormtroopers on the field were replenished, Skeletor came up to bat. While muttering arcane spells, he swung at the ball with his Havok Staff. The ball, glowing with eldritch fire, arced out of the park. Skeletor cackled, still holding his staff aloft, his image shimmering until there were many copies.

Each new Skeletor rounded the bases, racking up dozens of runs, before coalescing back into a single form.

He-Man was up next. The small tree trunk he carried wasn’t regulation-sized, of course. The fast pitch connected with his powerful swing, creating a small sonic boom as the tree shattered into thousands of splinters, which passed through the Stormtroopers’ armor with little resistance. Everyone on the field was struck down except Vader, who deflected the shards of word with his lightsaber. The ball quickly flew out of sight, and He-Man began to run the bases. Suddenly, there was a massive explosion on the small moon hovering above the stadium, causing radioactive debris to rain down on the planet below. All life was destroyed, except for Vader, who knew from experience when to flee, and our team, who huddled under the energy shield that Skeletor projected around them.

Captain America was sobbing quietly, upset by this travesty played out on his favorite childhood game.
“Cheer up,” The Red Skull admonished, “at least we won fair and square with no excessive violence.”
“How can you say that???” Cap yelled through his tears, “Look at the devastation around us!”
“Just finishing Sean’s list of requirements,” Red Skull replied as Skeletor picked out the Imperial credits from the bodies around them.

The two skull-faced villains laughed maniacally as The Red Skull checked off his notepad.

Deadline babies, yeah!

If I had a quarter for everytime THAT happened…I would be stinkin’ rich. :groucho:
and by Ewok you mean Goth chic with Daddy issues, right? Right?

Just for the record, I honestly had no objection to the sci fi twist in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. My having Jones freaking out about it was all meant in good fun. :smiley:

Whatever you have to tell yourself to be able to look in the mirror each day I’ll go along with. It totally was an Ewok not a Goth chick with Daddy issues

What about a Goth Ewok with Daddy issues? “Yub nub.” smokes a clove cigarette, listens to the Bauhaus

I didn’t think anything differently. As coco mentioned:

It was a very good story indeed!

~Shooter Out

You had me at “Yub nub.” :smiley:

The Ewok stares at you coldly, its black clothes loosely draped over its black coat clearly dyed that color

“Yub nub? Yub nub is for posers, slaves to the man”


<smoke exhale>

Goth Ewok says: “Celebrate the light? I AM OF THE DARK.”

Would an Emo/Ewok be an Emok?

Kudos go to 'talks for posting his entry long after FSL 3.0 had closed. That is the awesome and truly what GWC is all about.