FSL 3.0 challenge 1: Voting Poll

This is now starting to get interesting to me.

I’m sure you could arrange mailing Chuck the dollar for the DeLorean Fund to the GWC PO Box.

And I think you could do a little bit better than just ‘consider’ voting for me in any future FSL 3.0 (or any future FSL version period). Right?

~Shooter Out

Little Shootette loves da Jedi. In fact I think she’s going to BE a Jedi, so I’m pretty sure I’d get a hall pass there since having a female Jedi around would be a good influence. That and the fact I’d be scared to death to even open the door.

Starsaber & Talos,

Just a reminder: no-one has bought my vote yet. I am for sale. Someone buy me. Time is running out.

~Shooter Out

LeChuck: “Arrr! Your price be known. Only thing matey. The team cannot vote, only our patron can. It seems we could not tantalize or entice you with our abilities and what we have to offer. Aye. Our patron said he could not part with his future vote in good conscience. Whatever the team could do, we be willing to do, though.”

Just cast my first ever votes for a FSL round, always just been a lurker in previous editions but the level of creativity deserves respect and participation even if they precludes actually writing and entry;)

Lisa Hayes: “In that case the ladies and I would like a little Jason Mamoa action so your team will have to work him into your next solution.”

Heather Chandler: “And don’t forget about the…” tugs on her shirt

Lisa Hayes: “Oh yea, make sure you write him in bare-chested.”

Minmei: “Liiiisaaaa, don’t forget about the talk stuff too.”

Lisa Hayes: “MINMEI would like more pirate talk.”

Sara Walker: “And after two weeks of spending time around HER,” gestures to Heather “and HER,” gestures to Minmei “I need to blow off some steam, so I’ll need a sparing match with Black and White Spy in Castle.” Cracks Knuckles

Lisa Hayes: “Deal?”

Shooter shakes his head and lowers it into his hands “Oy, vey”

Guybrush: “We had already set out on our mission when we received your…what is this? It’s like a printed page that glows. I hope this isn’t bad for me. I’ve seen that staying out in the Sun for too long is bad. I wonder if sitting in front of this glowing rectangle can drive you crazy. Hmmm, where was I? Oh yeah. Anyway, we got your message late.” notices poll is closed “Huh? Voting closed. Oh well. Thank you for playing.” points in opposite direction “Look! A two-headed monkey!” whoosh