Fringe 4x22 Endgame (Part 2)

Friday, 11 May 2012
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

Well Astrid still shot the lemon cake is in the lab and we have a watcher stuck on a sign nothin special I see.:stuck_out_tongue:

Ok Astrid ok Watcher on stasis pad. Now we know how he got shot. More Super Olivia. Bells going to use her prob for the machine. Lets see how this all plays out.:smiley:

Olivia was the machine. Dead then not dead. Preggers and September warning Walter. It all begins next season if we get it.

We’ll get it. It was renewed for a 13 episode 5th and Final season. :slight_smile:

Yep and a Sprint to the END!

Well looked back at 19 Letters of Transit. Etta’s necklace is holding the bullet that went through her mother. Bell is with the team when they are ambered. Where is Olivia? How much of the future is going to interfere with the past to change the outcome. Looks like the fun is just beginning.:smiley: