Fringe 4x18 The Consultant

Starting at 8:30 with your hosts Klucasm and The DeeP

hey you got my name right!

Frakking Lincoln, I forgot! Ugh!

Poor cool Lincoln :frowning:

Yeah cause 90% of the time I tried to spell it like that and then had to back and fix it!

This must be like watching your own funeral

The “consultant” is Broyles-the-traitor, right? Fuck that guy.

Fuck you evil Broyles. You look down in shame like the dog you are

I’m glad my marriage makes your life easier. See that, NOM, gay marriage HELPS straight folk!

Sometimes my company mishandles personnel matters but we’ve never fired someone like that.

Peter Bishop: Most awkward FIL ever.


I bet a wizard did it.

wait, a second guy levitated and then had his leg bones thrust into his body cavity?

was Liv’s reflection wearing a hat that she wasn’t?

I don’t think so but I wasn’t paying that close attention.

Fringe teamup!

Woah. This is something I never, ever though Walter would do.

This walter I agree. Our walter though? Who seems to be more and more present I totally think he would.

don’t you kind of feel like NerdyLincoln going to work with their side must make Fauxlivia feel like they’re trying to replace her partner like a kid whose parents get a new kitten to replace the one who got hit by a car?

Definitely. I’m surprised she’s even cool with it. Like grief sex? Totally get that but to actually keep him around?

But our Walter was also really adamant that crossing over was unforgivably terrible that I doubt he’d do it again

I didn’t hear ANY of that Jones convo bc S was talking. What??