Fringe 4x18 The Consultant

Friday, 13 April 2012
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

Wow. An actual funeral. Did Alt-Broyles get one?

Note to self: Don’t piss off Mr. Dellman. :eek:

“I thought for sure that he was going to fire me…”

You mean, you know for sure, but he never got the chance.

Maybe their counterparts on the other side…?

Yep. Obviously. :slight_smile:

“Are you on any medications?”
“Several. Mostly recreational.” :smiley:

Aw, Alt-Broyles used to be a good guy. :frowning:

“And I shall refrain from sleeping naked.”
“Well, that is good to know.” :smiley:

Dude. Jones is a right bastard. :mad:

They have no Sherlock Holmes on this side?

I wonder what Alt-Cumberbatch is doing right now? :rolleyes:

And it occurs to Nina that she might well be just another pawn. :eek:

So what happens to Alt-Broyles’ son now?

Not that I can remember.

“Ah my escort…and by that I don’t mean prostitute.” :smiley:

He won’t get picked first? I wonder what made Alt-Broyles change his mind.

Otherwise I really enjoyed this episode.

Probably the realization that whatever Jones was planning was far worse than anything he could imagine.