Fringe 4x09 Enemy of My Enemy

Tuesday, September 11 2012
9:20PM Eastern

who is behind the other shapeshifters. This is some Kremlin-like crazy.

not Broyles… :frowning:


They need to put all the bullets in this guy

so they never even knew about him at all without Peter…

Take me to your leader?


I mean I’d say it but ironically

wasn’t there a BSG ep with this same title?

can’t wait for Peter to meet whatsisname!

My Own Worst Enemy I think?

I think that’s a Blink 182 song, dude.

What is the monster’s name?

holy shit that was gross and effective

Very discrete. Pearing at him with binos from a car. Like you do

free money–>lame

Broyles: shapeshifter or traitor?

Traitor imo.

Fauxlivia is still way hotter

It’s the hair.

Holy shit Broyles firing a gun is the most akward shit eeeeeeever

more awkward than bespectacled Lincoln?

Much more…

…damnit Nina