Fringe 4x03 Alone in the World

Friday, 7 October 2011
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

Oooh Corderoy Slippers - I’d love some of those. :slight_smile:

Oooh! Nasty - I can’t believe Walter is stuck with psychiatric “care” from the head of St. Clair’s. Makes me angry.

Looks like they’re borrowing the black oil from X-files.

It’s so sad how fragile Walter is without Peter. :frowning:

Those pesky spores! Deadly mold.

looks like black silly string or veins

that’s Walter - never too busy for milkshakes! :slight_smile:

The boy is connected to it somehow? Oh, don’t tell me the original Aaron’s going to be in that wall & the one in Walter’s lab is made of mold somehow?

Mold Ganglions. :smiley: Cool. Terrifying, but cool!

Dead tech coming up shortly.

Poor Lincoln…he looks awful.

This prius commercial is seriously disturbing!

Is that a Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot action Figure?

Oh dear Crom! What the holl was he thinking?!?

Well, not quite Perfectly Sane, Walter…

Ahhh I see that Olivia searches the Database for her “Peter” sketch. And did Little Lex Luthor become a Tree there or what?

How much does John Noble still need to work his sorryBarb off, before a stupid award committee acknowledges his art??! What a scene!

Now he have proof. Peter existed, but he died.

How the hell can the boy draw that mural from the bunker?? Since he is not infected, I guess he is the source of the spores! :eek:

Even in Season 1, I expected that the head of St. Clair’s had something to do with breaking Walter down.

No Invasion of the Body Snatchers here. lol

I was prepared in this episode that Walter would go through with it. :eek:

All depends on the point of view. lol

Again a fantastic episode. This season every one resonated with me and it moved the story forward. :slight_smile: