Fringe 3x19 Lysergic Acid Diethylamide


Friday, 15 April 2011
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

Finally Astrid strikes back. Wally, indeed! :slight_smile:

Okay, that guy shaking in the ice bath like a sack full of jello. ICK!

Woot! Frakkin from tapatalk!

YeAh. Reminded me of when I jog.

Anna Torv doing Belly is seriously creepy.

I love Anna’s impression of William Bell.

“Of course. LSD!”

I’m next.

Woo hoo lets get the sugar cubes and take a little trip.

Haha! “I think he’s an observer!”

And down the rabbit hole we go and into the Matrix or Inception - pick your metaphor of choice.

These are the Hippies you want to hang with.

Uh oh. Inception time.

Just as long as we don’t have to dream inside Walter’s head.

Strawberry ice cream buildings on roads of licorice.

Okay, so it’ll be like Oz, but I’d keep looking over my shoulder for the flying monkeys. Yikes.

Oh yeah, all they have to do is find her in the infinite construct of her subconscious. That’ll be easy as pie.

Interesting that the towers are still standing in her subconscious…Wouldn’t that fit more with Belly’s subconscious?

Sweet! Broyles is high. :slight_smile:

Oh sorry, but this bit is stolen right from Inception. :frowning:

Trust no one.

This is most definitely not Olivia’s subconscious.