Fringe 3x15 Subject 13

Friday, 25 February 2011
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

Back in the eighties this week.

There are few things scarier than getting trapped under the ice.:eek:

Why in the world would Peter think drowning himself would take him home?

And how could Peter forget all this? Or rather, how does Walter make him forget.

So the cortexephan (sp?) trials were all about sending Peter home? Interesting…

Awww. Peter & Olivia met as children.

Or at least that’s what Walter is telling Elizabeth. :frowning:

Does anyone recognize Walter’s blond co-worker at the school? I just saw half and eopisode of STTNG last night and I think she was in it…

Oh Walter, you are being very mean.

Forget Florida? I wonder what Walternate was doing in Florida? Not cortexephan, since they didn’t have it in later alt-verse episodes.

Well alt-Florida has alt-NASA, so maybe it’s related to the Star Wars defense system they mentioned.

That look when she said “My stepdad did it” looked just like one of Anna Torv’s mannerisms - that grimace/smile and the swift glance down and to the side, but still looking up. Very nicely done.

And so Elizabeth self-destructs to save Peter.

And Olivia crossing over and meeting Walternate is how he finds out what happened to Peter.

Oh what a twisted web… :slight_smile:

I’m also asking this myself. Or maybe Peter’s subconsciousness let him forget it…Nope, Water surely pumped him up with some drugs. :wink:

Secondary it might have been to defend this universe since Walter knows that Walternate would come after this universe to get Peter back. Sadly testing Olivia’s powers to cross over to help send Peter back, resulted in Walternate putting the pieces together where his Peter was taken.

The child actors were fantastic in this episode. Especially Karley Scott Collins, who played young Olivia. Her scene pleading to Walternate was heartbreaking.

Loved this episode, although I was hesitant about the concept of Peter and Olivia meeting as children. Did you remember back to the White Tulip (reference and episode) when Peter drove by the field with his Alter-mother?
And just think back now to how Walternate treated Olivia at the beginning of this season when he tested her to cross the universe with this episode in mind! :eek:

“Aha. The beguiling Olivia Dunham beguiles.”

“Loneliness isn’t the answer either. Perhaps fear?” :eek:

Dead boy on the floor? Dude! Walter, that’s fucked up, even for you. :eek:

I love Walter’s '80s hair.

“But how’d you know I’d come here?”
“Because it’s the only drawing that looks happy.”

Even then, Peter was brilliant. :slight_smile:

Whoa! Olive could switch back and forth between universes without even realizing it! :eek:

And Blue World mom turns to alcohol…

“I know where our son is. I know where Peter was taken.” :eek:

I still want to hate Walter-nate…but now…damn, Im not sure I can

Still a jerk tho

I hate to say it, but Walter’s really the villain of the show. He kidnapped Peter, experimented on children, and basically destroyed an entire universe. Everything that Walternate’s done has been a reaction to Walter’s misdeeds. :frowning:

Theyre both d-bags in some way or another