Fringe 3x06 6955 kHz

Thursday, 11 November 2010
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

stockton harbor, maine
lighthouses are just inherently creepy

WTF is going on at 6955 kHz?

the numbers sound like German…

Are their brains going to melt? :eek:

It’s me, Layered? :slight_smile:

Did they change bodies? Lose their memories?

Like lasagna? :rolleyes:

Oooh! Amnesia rays.

Or like cake. Yum. :wink:

Fauxlivia and Peter the morning after. GACK!

“I love U2.”

Yes, she’s a fan of Bozo, isn’t she? :slight_smile:

And the happy mask drops when Walter calls in a distraction. Or is it real happy, and just reality rearing its ugly head?

“If you end up breaking the universe, this time it’s on your head!” :smiley:

At least it was in the pop culture book so she recognized it.

Bono…like Sonny Bono?

Oh no, be careful…you’re a moderator!

Well, regular Olivia was taking her sweet time about it. And Fauxlivia and Peter had an instantaneous connection on the other side, so it’s not entirely weird.

Number stations! I love those things. :slight_smile:

I’m sure there’s a weird Fringe-related reason behind them.

Now numbers in Spanish?

And all of Massive Dynamic couldn’t figure it out.

Walter is being a real d**k

Uh, what? :confused: