Free Firefly Novel

An author who’s hopes of writing a FF novel were dashed by Joss’ desire not to have FF novels has declared it to be a ‘fanfic’ and released it online.

Yeah, I’m not even going to bother to submit this to the book club. Nonetheless, what are you waiting for? Make with the clicky!

Doncha just love Pike?

I just wish it was in a 'cast so I could just listen to it. :slight_smile:

He bringz the free hip-hop

and he is an encyclopedia of knowledge (countdown to 1000).

He does have diarrhea of the fingers, though.

That can’t be pretty. But I don’t live wit 'im so I’m kewl wit that.

i just finished reading it, it was very good, and funny too.

OK, just finished it myself.

I’ll rate it a ‘pretty good.’ I could see it as an official release. Jayne feels a bit wrong and River certainly does (I think he made a mistake in trying to get inside her head.) But the others seem about right, and the overall plot fits in well between FF and Serenity (it’s closer to the latter in time.) The main idea (of former Alliance and Browncoats) certainly works well within Joss’ 'verse.