Free BSG’s free e-book offering this week is the novelization of the BSG miniseries.

It’s pretty much what you’d expect (from what I’ve read so far) but still, how cool is that?

Also, 'should be a GWC Book Club Moment."

C’mon, people! It’s FREE, AND BSG!

Pike, you always know where to find the coolest stuff!

I take issue with their age ranges. 30+? Seriously? What is this, Logan’s Run? :stuck_out_tongue:

it is a sci fi site :slight_smile:

Great job again, Pike. Incidently, Tor gives away a free sci-fi e-book every week. I forgot how, but I get an email every week from them.

Maybe you should look into that, 'Talos.

Nah, I’m a lazy bastard.

Oh. Ok then. Thanx anyway. Punk ass

Did anyone sign up and not receive an e-mail? This tends to happen to me a lot with comcast. Sign up for a site then the confirmation doesn’t get through.

no confirmation for YOU! (or me either, it seems)

A lot of those emails end up in spam folders.

I checked my spam folder. No joy. :frowning:

I also tried to sign up but haven’t received the confirm. email…maybe there’s just a time lag. Anyway, if it works that’ll be great! Thanks Pike.

That’s funny…all my online banking accounts just went to zero, locked me out, and now refer me to a Bermudian bank email address,

great site but same problem, no confirm email either, maybe their server has been boxed.

Update ! Tor Books sent me an email this morning…looks like they are a little behind in the electronic registration area, but better late than never…They sent me a link for two novels, including the BSG novel Pike had referenced !! They appear to be gearing up for a July 20th startup…I think this site might bear some watching !
I’ll be downloading to my new smartphone this morning, after my second cup of coffee kicks in.

Again, Thanks Pike for for the tip !!!

FREE SCI FI. What a country !! :smiley:

Update to the Update:
That was sweet ! I downloaded free MobiPocket Reader from their website, and with two clicks I’ve got two free novels, and they’re also in my phone now, so I have something to read while I should be working ! Awesome. Once again Galactica Watercooler has gently nudged me into the forefront of electronic technology, and I’ve learned something I never would have known or been exposed to…
No GR, I’m not talking about the Rash.:smiley:

I ended up finally receiving my e-mail too. They had the new free book for this month plus BSG. :cool:

Late to the dance, but glad to have seen this. Yay free books!