Frack Vs. Frell

You Decide Farscape came before with a way to swear shamelessly without censors going mad, But frak is well… frak

gotta go with frak, but you have to drop the “c” so it’s a 4-letter word

as much as I liked frell- frak is so much more satisfying!

And Lady D is right- you have to drop the ‘c’

I love frell. It doesn’t sound inherently dirty like frak, so you can get away with it more easily. People can sort of guess what frak means, even without context. Plus, Farscape also had the great word “dren”, for which BSG doesn’t really have an equivalent (unless you count “shart” from Robot Chicken).

Not a tough choice for me and you’ve already been slapped on the wrist by BKitty and LadyD.

Frell alone works. What the frell? Sounds a bit whiny.

Frak on the other hand is very versatile. Frak me. Frak you. What the frak? frakkintalos. You mutherfrakker. Frak that. You frakkin frak go frak yourself with a frakkity frak. You get the point.

So what is the ruling on the BSG Original Series term: felgercarb (sp?). It’s been yarns since I’ve heard the term, but …wait…give me a centon and I’m remember. Yes!!! Now I remember!! Felgercarb in the BSG:OS universe means CRAAAAAAAAP.:smiley:

but that’s half the appeal

I don’t think you could say craaaaaap (or crap for that matter) on tv in the 70s, so they had to come up with felgercarb–now it just adds to the kitschiness of TOS

I always thought Frell was more like Hell than…well…you know.

When they say frak on BSG:TOS, I cringe. It’s like hearing Ward Cleaver swear.

I think frell and frak are used in pretty similar ways; Frell You is used a lot on Farscape. This is a hard choice though. I am going to go with Frak though because it does feel a little more powerful than Frell. But I do like them both.

I gotto go with 'talos on this one. Frell is something you would say when you don’t get your way…Frak is something you say when someone punches you

NB, if you’re looking for cool obscure swear words, I can always teach you German ones that nobody will understand anyway.

Most swear words in English come from German (indirectly), so they don’t sound that different, although I’d love to learn new obscure ones. :slight_smile:

Frak me sideways with an antique Centaurion.

ps: frakking is spelled with two 'k’s and I love it. Definitely no c in frakking.

going to to create new T-Shirt

Frell you and the Leviathan you rode in on. :slight_smile:

ps: frakking is spelled with two 'k’s and I love it. Definitely no c in frakking.

Agreed. I always hate it when I see “fraking”. It always makes me think of something you might see these people doing:


At first I was like … who is that? And then it dawned on me. That’s Jonathan Frakes? Right? Frakking Frakes! But who’s the bearded man?

That’s just mean. :rolleyes:

Let’s give respect where frakkin’ respect is due. As much as I like Farscape, ‘Frack’ is definitely older than ‘Frell’:


Going on the back of the T-shirt