FPS Fans? Join the Interstellar Marine Corps!

I’m only a marginal first-person shooter fan; I enjoy Halflife and the Halo series but was never much for Call of Duty or anything along those lines. That being said, I’ve been following this game avidly for the last several years, and it’s an FPS that seems to be looking to blow the usual FPS standards sky-high. It’s called Interstellar Marines, it’s an indie game, and they are currently in the midst of waging a fierce battle to fund their project on Kickstarter after years of financial hurdles. I’ve been tracking their campaign’s as-yet unsuccessful progress, wondering who else I could possibly alert to its existence, when I realized that I hadn’t yet informed my fellow sci-fi game nerds over at GWC about this, my favorite in-development indie shooter!

Some folks might echo what other folks have said at other times - that these guys are in over their heads and they’ll eventually give up - but these guys haven’t quit yet, and creative types with this much passion don’t just throw in the towel. It’s an ambitious undertaking, but my impression of it has generally been ‘the best sci-fi first-person shooter that I always wanted to play but never realized it until I heard about it’. Their vision for the game and its setting is very much the kind of thing I try to strive for in my own sci-fi conceptualizations and writing. As fantastical as some of the elements of my sci-fi can be, I always try to make it as real as possible; this is much less fantastical and much more realistic, but I think that’s the same thing that made the Mass Effect series so good.

Take a look and let me know what you guys think, please!