Fox pulls Dollhouse from November schedule

It was “Kings” It wasn’t for everyone but to me it was just this side of perfect and went almost completely unnoticed by the population at large

Ah, I never watched it. Kinda wanted to, but dunno why I never decided to DVR it.

Thot “Lord C” wants a word with you :wink:

Its on Hulu if you want give it a try; Its a modern day retelling of the story of David… filled with political stuff, and drama stuff, add a sprinkling of action stuff, and religious stuff.

I think that’s what killed it. It looked neat… then a lot of press put it out there that it was a retelling of a biblical story… and me and everyone I know immediatly checked out with NO interest. I watched the first episode… thought that it was well acted, had great stars… but knew it was a bible story and was like “I don’t have time for this” I think a lot of other people felt the same way. ( weird thing, it’s premiere was on Sunday night, when it’s target audience was at church or church related-family functions…bad idea NBC!)

I guess thats why it failed, :frowning:

I saw it a little differently as a good fantasy story about two kingdoms at war and young man rising up and dethroning the king. told in modern and relevant way. that just happened to be loosely based on, a biblical story. I never saw it being a good thing to sell to the devout Christian base. because it wasn’t just a retelling, it had themes and tones that would not make that base happy to share with there kids. In truth it would probably make them more angry at how they diverged from the original story. but hey you gave it a try wasn’t your thing that’s cool. :slight_smile: