Forums Upgraded to Discourse

“Hey, wha’ happened?” - You, probably

As you may or may not be aware, the GWC forums were built on a piece of software called vBulletin. While it served us well for many years enabling this community to connect with each other for all things geeky, over time the software became outdated (and rather swiss-cheesy, as far as security goes), making it quite difficult to maintain the web server. However, it didn’t feel right to just turn the forums off, so Chuck and I took a look at a few options, and decided to migrate the forums to
a discussion board package called Discourse.

You may find some differences to the layout and category organization, but rest assured, all users, topics and posts have been copied forward. One limitation is that all user passwords were reset during this migration.

If you previously had a user account with GWC Forums, your user is still available. Click on login and choose “I forgot my password”. Enter your username and Discourse will send you an email with password reset instructions. If you encounter any issues, hit up Juan at

Anyway, thanks for reading. While you’re here, make sure to hit up the “anyone out there” thread where some of us still check in from time to time.

– Juan –


This looks really awesome. This is tech we only wish we had available back in the day when we built the original forum. <3


As I frequent the DMS Talk forums way too much at work (hey, no one up here has complained yet) this threw me off a bit when I bounced over here. (Only other forums I frequent that also use Discourse)

Looks great! I like the grey background. Easy on the eyes.

Nice work, Juan.

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Hey, you have a 3d printer setup at home, right? Juan built his own now.

Also: We should catch up at DMS sometime. I have a couple of laser and vinyl cutter jobs saved up so need an excuse to head that way anyway. :slight_smile:

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We do need to do that. I am going to try to start going up there on Sunday mornings. Seems to be the lightest time in terms of people up there I think.

Just took the class for the new CNC plasma last week so I need to get some stuff cut there too.

And yup, I have a 3D printer at home that works pretty well.

Shiny. Good work boys.

Thanks @Juan & @Chuck for keeping this online. So many memories here and me brain memory is broken. Happy my virtual brain is alive and well (with a new look). Upgrades!

Forum sure got all fancified. @Juan, you up to your old tricks?

Thank for the update guys. There’s more than a few memorable threads that it’s good to come back and re-read from time to time.

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