FlashForward 1x10 A561984

Awww, no WAY, he’s a total teddy bear. I think he’s a good guy. They won’t go all Heroes on us and make him a bad guy. Right? Right…?

No, it’s common in especially Chinese culture to wear WHITE to funerals and red to weddings, believe it or not. (A little piece of trivia I learned from reading Amy Tan’s novels.) Notice how all of the “guests” are also dressed in white or light colored clothing.

That one threw me, but I figured it out about 30 secs before she revealed it. Holy hell. Well…this will be interesting.

Yeah, he’s always been a loose cannon. I dislike him like I dislike Jack on LOST. He’s too intense and full of the hero-complex. Get over yourself already.

It would TOTALLY work for me if he said it to me with that dreamy accent.

Yeah, I laughed at that. “super gay” Is there any other kind? That’s like saying “a little pregnant.” You either are or you aren’t. Right, Badger?

Totally. Get over yourself already.

Good luck when his cohorts bag and tag ya. What am I saying? I’d let Anna from ‘V’ lick my bones clean.

What bothered me was her disgust (bordering on hatred) of the penis. I was like, “Hey I gots one of those! Don’t be dissin’!”

At first I thought you meant ME. Then I realize…MarkJackHeroMan. *headslap

Good luck when his cohorts bag and tag ya. What am I saying? I’d let Anna from ‘V’ lick my bones clean.

Yeah, good times…being slaughtered by the dreamy, attractive villain…*sigh

What bothered me was her disgust (bordering on hatred) of the penis. I was like, “Hey I gots one of those! Don’t be dissin’!”
Hey, don’t take it so personally. My good gay friend says stuff like that to me all the time. I don’t take it personally–I just know it’s how he’s wired. Total lack of attraction to the lady parts. :smiley:

Why would Mark shoot Demetri?